Hi all,
I have updated my metadata.json file and modify my pool using by CnTools, but when I check the pool on Pool.vet, getting a hash error, has anyone any idea? so, how will I update my local metadata hash …
Thanks in advance
Metadata hash a8b6e95b2a9d9b629035365edacda8b8c910405000f6997ebb0b3bb5a105d5fb doesn’t match registered hash 7071ae2be5116f08a1d49d64f68c76e71e16890def6d33653bdd2f4ce71a4ccf
go to cntools - pool - modify - add the pledge, margin, cost and when it will ask for the metadata url add the url provided and then press enter… you should see a message with metadata was found… and it will ask you if u will want to use the infos
go till the end and submit the transaction (but only if the above is true)… let’s check after
I have done all these steps yesterday but will do it again.
But interestingly when I check it on the PoolVet, it says extended metadata missing, however, I am able to see all my extended data in ADApools.
yes, definitely it seems the pool.vet has an issue. I did not understand why you don’t see but I am able to see when I check pooltool.io, and adapools.org. Anyway, I think it needs a bit of update time. Thanks a lot.