Missed Slot Leader %

So I got a VDS:
3 Physical CoresAMD EPYC 7282 2.8 GHz
Fresh install using How to set up a POOL in a few minutes - and register using CNTOOLS
When I get to cd ~/git I get does not exist error.
Created the folder manually.
When I get to: echo -e “package cardano-crypto-praos\n flags: -external-libsodium-vrf” > cabal.project.local
$CNODE_HOME/scripts/cabal-build-all.sh -o
I get:
Deleting build config artifact to remove cached version, this prevents invalid Git Rev
Running cabal update to ensure you’re on latest dependencies…
/opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/cabal-build-all.sh: line 76: cabal: command not found
/opt/cardano/cnode/scripts/cabal-build-all.sh: line 82: cabal: command not found

From cabal-build-all:
cabal update 2>&1 | tee /tmp/cabal-update.log
echo “Building…”

if [[ -z “${USE_SYSTEM_LIBSODIUM}” ]] ; then # Build using default cabal.project first and then add cabal.project.local for additional packages
if [[ “${PWD##/}" == “cardano-node” ]] || [[ "${PWD##/}” == “cardano-db-sync” ]]; then
#cabal install cardano-crypto-class --disable-tests --disable-profiling | tee /tmp/build.log
[[ “${PWD##/}" == “cardano-node” ]] && cabal build cardano-node cardano-cli cardano-submit-api --disable-tests --disable-profiling | tee /tmp/build.log
[[ "${PWD##
/}” == “cardano-db-sync” ]] && cabal build cardano-db-sync --disable-tests --disable-profiling | tee /tmp/build.log

I tried installing cabal manually, compile started and thought it was going to go thru but failed.
What am I missing?