Hi guys, my pool is MAMBA, I don’t know why it is not registered in the topology.json file. I am checking the status of the pool on the site pool.vet - Cardano stake pool checker and it is notifying me that warning, my node is processing transactions well and is accessible through the declared port
What could be the cause? Thank you
Keep the port open, run the topology updater script once/hour and it will be added
Relay node srv38118-206152.vps.etecsa.cu:6000
Relay node srv38118-206152.vps.etecsa.cu:6000 is reachable
Relay node srv38118-206152.vps.etecsa.cu:6000 is subscribed to topologyUpdater
Relay node srv38118-206152.vps.etecsa.cu:6000 is missing in topology.json
thanks for answering
I have been with this problem for almost more than 2 EPOCH, at first I thought that with time it would be solved but it still remains the same.
I am attaching a fragment of my logs so that you can observe from when the cronjob is being executed
I had the same problem, but more or less it resolved itself after some time. The only thing I did (maybe this can help you), I’ve changed the cron to call the topologyUpdater once in 2 h. Maybe that did a restart or something like that. Good luck!
If the nodes has IN/OUT peers and if it has tx processed then u shouldn’t care so much about the topology… u are fine… give it time and it will be added…
I have no choice but to wait, I’ll let him do his job.
thank you all for answering
Hoping you are right since I have exactly the same issue. I was listed everywhere but Yoroi, so I though it was related. But as I checked few minutes ago yoroi is not also listing me …
Usually when the wallet is not visible in yoroi there is an issue with relays… check the status of ur relays on adapools.org - about tab ; should be green not red
Yoroi is good now, but it took longer than all the others (daedalus and all the pooltool.io, adapool.org etc …)
I have the green tick beside my relay in adapool.org
Running pool.vet check I still got:
Relay node relay1mada1.myadanode.com:6000
Relay node relay1mada1.myadanode.com:6000 is reachable
Relay node relay1mada1.myadanode.com:6000 is subscribed to topologyUpdater
Relay node relay1mada1.myadanode.com:6000 is missing in topology.json
but my topology updater have been running every hours for more than the 4 success claimed as needed
{ “resultcode”: “204”, “datetime”:“2021-04-01 13:27:09”, “clientIp”: “”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “glad you’re staying with us” }
{ “resultcode”: “504”, “datetime”:“2021-04-01 13:28:23”, “clientIp”: “”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “one request per hour please” }
{ “resultcode”: “504”, “datetime”:“2021-04-01 13:32:18”, “clientIp”: “”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “one request per hour please” }
{ “resultcode”: “504”, “datetime”:“2021-04-01 13:34:16”, “clientIp”: “”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “one request per hour please” }
{ “resultcode”: “204”, “datetime”:“2021-04-01 14:34:03”, “clientIp”: “”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “glad you’re staying with us” }
{ “resultcode”: “204”, “datetime”:“2021-04-01 15:34:01”, “clientIp”: “”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “glad you’re staying with us” }
{ “resultcode”: “204”, “datetime”:“2021-04-01 16:34:02”, “clientIp”: “”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “glad you’re staying with us” }
{ “resultcode”: “204”, “datetime”:“2021-04-01 17:34:02”, “clientIp”: “”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “glad you’re staying with us” }
{ “resultcode”: “204”, “datetime”:“2021-04-01 18:34:02”, “clientIp”: “”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “glad you’re staying with us” }
{ “resultcode”: “504”, “datetime”:“2021-04-01 18:39:21”, “clientIp”: “”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “one request per hour please” }
{ “resultcode”: “204”, “datetime”:“2021-04-01 19:34:03”, “clientIp”: “”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “glad you’re staying with us” }
{ “resultcode”: “204”, “datetime”:“2021-04-01 20:34:02”, “clientIp”: “”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “glad you’re staying with us” }
{ “resultcode”: “204”, “datetime”:“2021-04-01 21:34:02”, “clientIp”: “”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “glad you’re staying with us” }
{ “resultcode”: “204”, “datetime”:“2021-04-01 22:34:02”, “clientIp”: “”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “glad you’re staying with us” }
{ “resultcode”: “204”, “datetime”:“2021-04-01 23:34:03”, “clientIp”: “”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “glad you’re staying with us” }
So I really don’t get how this is working. As an IT pro I would say that this is probably what remain a bit troubling to me, clarity.
Strange… I don’t know how often the topology is updated
Yes I guess it’s down to that. Thanks for your time mate, still good you to know you see no issue there.
A second pair of eyes goes a long way
You are welcome!
Hello Kaverne
Do you have the 2 Relays with the same public Ip address?
Hey mate,
no I currently have 1 relay only, it is automated and would take about 3 min to get a new one running is any issue happened to this one. So until I get more rewards I think I’ll keep it that way.
I’ve registered it behind a dns name, any new relay update the dns entry and it stay transparent for the cardano network.
getting a second relay would literaly take 3 minutes as I just have to change a “1” to a “2” in my pipelines.
Why this question ?
Why i think if you have more than one relay under your domain you need to set the valency in the topologyautoupdater as 2 or more.
tells the node how many connections your node should have. It only has an effect for dns addresses. If a dns address is given, valency governs to how many resolved ip addresses should we maintain active (hot) connection; for ip addresses, valency is used as a Boolean value, where0
means to ignore the address.
U can use valency if u have more relays registered under the same domain name…
Hello Alex thank you for explain that.
Do you know how to setup the relays if you have two or more subdomains.
relay1 ist valency 1
relay2 ist valency 2 ?
Or both sind 2?
I’m not sure about this point
if u have
keep the valency 1
"Producers": [
"addr": "relay1.mydomain.com",
"port": relay1_port,
"valency": 1
"addr": "relay2.mydomain.com",
"port": relay2_port,
"valency": 1
I would +1 @Alexd1985
You only grow valency if you can resolve the dns name to multiple IPs
Yes that’s clear for me, but if the two dns pointed at the same ip but with other port?
Or better said, 2 dns pointed to the same public ip address but different local ips and ports
dns1.example.com (public) (local)
dns2.example.com (public) (local)