Modify registration - submitting transaction gives UTXo Failure value

Hello running into an issue that has been raised here in the past, however not sure why this is happening within CNTools. i would understand if someone follows the coin cashew guide where you manually have to calculate the transactions…

The pool was initially built using the coincashew guide and hosted elsewhere. Now the pool is migrated to me and i use CNTools. all files have been migrated succesfully, i changed some files to match the file structure that CNTools is using. Wallet shows registered on chain and everything seems fine. After modifying the pool so i can change the relays, in the last step i get the below error.

“Pool Update Transaction”

ERROR: Transaction submit failed !!
Command failed: transaction submit Error: Error while submitting tx: ShelleyTxValidationError ShelleyBasedEraConway (ApplyTxError (ConwayUtxowFailure (UtxoFailure (ValueNotConservedUTxO (MaryValue (Coin 58917852232) (MultiAsset (fromList ))) (MaryValue (Coin 59417852232) (MultiAsset (fromList ))))) :expressionless: ))

The new pool runs on the latest
Version 10.1.3 for the node and for the cardano-cli.

Any assistance will be much appreciated.

Hmmm, the error are exactly 500 ADA – the deposit for registering a pool.

So, I guess that either:

  • CNTools thinks that the pool is already registered, has already paid its deposit, didn’t include the deposit in the pool registration, but it is, in fact, not. So, the node rejects the transaction.
  • Or vice versa: CNTools thinks that the pool is not registered, includes payment of the deposit in the transaction, but it is, in fact, already registered. So, the node rejects the transaction.

The error message is, unfortunately not very human-readable. From past instances of it, I think the first value is the sum of the inputs and the second the sum of the outputs (including deposits?). Since the second is the one that is 500 ADA higher, I guess that it is the first case: Your pool is not registered on-chain, you have to include the 500 ADA deposit, but CNTools thinks that it is just an update of an already registered pool and doesn’t include the deposit in the transaction.

That is exactly what is happening. the pool is up and running so it is registered.
However when i try to migrate and modify the pool there is this 500 ada difference which i m not sure how to even manually change. CNTools is doing all the work and its automated.
Any suggestions?

Does CNTools give you the correct pool ID when you look at the details?

everything is accurate.

Hmm, no idea if on the right track, but I would check

  • if the node is synchronised to the chain,
  • if the pool is actually registered according to block explorers.

node is synchronized to the chain and connects locally to my relays. however its not starting as a BP
the pool is registered according to block explorers however with the previous owner. i cannot complete the modify part due to the transaction error i get.