Much appreciated that you take the time to answer.
'they can now get access to loans, payments, and whatever dapps are available on the Cardano network because the 2 systems can talk to each other”.
I assume that a contracting government stipulates that the Atala network not only will be able to talk to Cardano based apps but also technology solutions. The prosperity of Ethiopia is served by the best possible connectivity with technology. Has there been reported that there is a preferred treatment for Cardano?
I do understand it is interesting to be able to contact persons who are verified within the Atala framework. How would that happen? I try to visualize that:
they all run to the dapp shop?
the Atala network will allow (paid) targeting of potential customers?
or crypto service providers advertise via traditional and online marketing?
A person who pays his taxes or receives welfare via an Atala based service is not probably not waiting for unsolicited offers from all kind of services providers.
Is there more info over preferred or even exclusive connectivity between Atala and Cardano?
Does a person in Ethiopia who build a track record via Atala have an advantage over the average German with a Bitstamp account as far as dapp based services are concerned? Is the later more difficult to target?
I’m not privy to the contract that IOHK has with the various entities so I don’t know the details regarding stipulations but I imagine there won’t be any stipulations on what blockchains they can use. It’s important to remember that Cardano is trying to operate with as many blockchains and be as useful as possible so people can move value through many different forms. The more things Cardano can interact with the more valuable it will be as a hub of blockchain value. Imagine the Daedalus wallet where you can track your airline miles, credit card info, pay your bills with your airline miles, swap ADA for bitcoin, whatever. Back to Ethiopia the hard part is getting people into the blockchain the first place. Fortunately the Government will help with that. The Governments for the most part want to join the global marketplace and have their people enjoy the goods and services that we enjoy in the west. That will encourage interoperability with Cardano.
BTW I strongly believe there will be many uses for Cardano outside of Africa and the third world. The Marlowe smart contract language will be groundbreaking for instance. One of the reasons I am not so worried that Shelly is late is that in many ways existing blockchains are just toys. What is needed to take blockchain to the next level is under development and Cardano is the furthest along. What people fail to realize is the scope of what is being achieved.
I think your summary @Donnybaseball of Atala’s use case and interoperability with Cardano is a good one and I hope it helps @madmatt and others understand why IOHK are pursuing both lines.
I think the main concern that prompted @Scarcity to start this thread, is whether the time being put into Atala is contributing to delays for Shelley and whether the delays to Shelley are impacting the price of ADA (this thread is after all in the Trading forum category).
Hopefully the videos that Charles provides can give some comfort to those that are only interested in ADA’s price. As I said in my initial post on this thread, it is not unreasonable for IOHK (as a private company) to work on multiple projects at once. It doesn’t appear that resourcing (or lack thereof) is the reason for Shelley delays.
While using the markets to profit from changes in ADA’s price is all well and good, unfortunately ADA isn’t a security and therefore IOHK don’t owe ADA owners anything. It is obviously in their best interest to ensure the price doesn’t bottom out as it would impact on their ability to fund the project, but that is their responsibility to manage and not something ADA holders have a right to influence.
Regarding some of the tone that is happening in response to @Scarcity which prompted
I think it is important to try to be as civil as possible and not attack someone just because they question something. I realise that my initial post was written sarcastically, but I hoped that @Scarcity realised it was “tongue in cheek” and therefore wouldn’t take offence. As I mention in a different thread (Future of Cardano - #24 by phil.lewis)
questioning decisions are important and shouldn’t be shut down just because you don’t agree with the premise.
I realise that many people that have bought ADA, did so because it (like all cryptocurrencies) can be highly volatile and they were hoping to cash in on the swings, however hopefully many that are now starting to get an appreciation for the project (through this forum) are starting to realise that the gains might not be as fast as some other projects that are less scientific or professional in their engineering practices. While this is something that could probably have been researched ahead of “investing” in ADA, many are hopefully now learning the lesson about researching before you invest.
I totally understand that IOHK is free to work on any project they feel like and that the timeline of huge projects cannot be predicted with great accuracy. I have no issues with IOHK as far as that is concerned. I do not feel they have to defend themselves for developing Atala.
What I do not see is a preferred position for Cardano. Referring to the superiority of Cardano over competing systems does not establish that Atala prefers Cardano. The playground is open for all. Why wouldn’t other parties plugin?
But let’s assume that Cardano will be a success. How many Ada would an average person actually need to ‘fuel’ his yearly transactions? Oil has a price that depends on supply and use (and yes stock is kept to level out shortages and for speculation). What could be an average ADA use? Maybe we can leave the stocking/speculation factor out of the equation for now. Does anyone have an idea? Nothing precise but just a very rough estimate? Maybe just limit the estimation to Ethiopia with a 100 million population.
It was interesting to hear the Scala team built Atala. This is the team that worked on the Mantis client for ETC. They are based in Argentina. The lead of that team was interviewed on the Cardano Effect some months back. At that time he alluded to a project he couldn’t talk about I believe.
Thought of another reason people would want access to the Cardano network this morning… Some may remember Emergo’s partnership with Y2X digital bank. Y2X will be creating STO products and securitizing all sorts of things and allowing them to be traded on a Cardano powered digital market place. I’m sure people are going to want access to that market place. With an established digital identity courtesy of Atala they will be able to have a seat at the table.
Your post was far from other things than stupid assumtions, personal opinions without ONE quantitative point to back up your claims. And if you have done alot of recearch you are not in the correct mindset and i recomend you use your time or money on other projects than the future of this project. I was not arrogant and far from a “sarcastic boy” in my answer. I am just sick of people comming in and talking trash about projects that in fact is not produced by teenagers in their parrents basements. I still stand behind my post and recommend you find fame and fortune in another project.
Another delusion self-styled Cardano hero. Your aggressive arrogance tells me you love to feel better while trying to put other people down (unsuccessfully).
And you prove my point that anybody who is critical in this forum gets accused of being:
a foreigner
an ignoramus (I wish we could all be as amazing as you Mr double first name!)
a fifth column
You really are the shining example for Cardano and its journey to make the world a better place. Who needs enemies with Cardano supporters like you?
I am more than certain any therapist can look at your emails and determine you are passive aggressive and a negative person overall; attacking others the way you do and having to have the last word is typical, seriously, get help and heal the anger in your life and the crappy way you likely treat your wife and kids trying to look perfect.
Great to see a discussion going, just a general reminder: keep in mind to stay OT and keep ad-hominems/personal remarks out of it, as explained per our community guidelines.
Thanks for understanding and your cooperation.