New Website design is terrible. Discuss here

Dear Genius,

I’m not “connected in some way to the designer of the site”. After stumbling upon this post and glancing at your sentiments I took my 30 years of experience and commented, that’s it… Again, the Cardano site is informational and “the shoe fits”. Criticizing the new site by citing metrics like “conversion tracking” (which doesn’t matter in this context) shines a glaring light on a person that simply wants to bloviate about their expertise.

Ex: “As VERY early adopter and supporter of Cardano, I strongly urge the foundation to reconsider their design team and approach.”

Who are you? Because you’re an “early adopter” your opinion matters more than the design agency that did the site?

If I’m a “troll”, you’re an “ego maniac”.

Thanks for the laughs and have a nice day Einstein.

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