Hi all,
Trying to configure some new relays and despite registering them with the topology updater I am not seeing any transactions on our relays reported in grafana (not even the metric available).
I know that we need mutual peers at the moment, but was wondering if the sheer number of relays meant it takes a while for the topology updater to list us in somebody else’s pull. Our new relays live at:
"addr": "relays.stakebaker.io",
"port": 3001,
"valency": 2
Could this be anything else that I should check as well? The topology for my BP is just the relays and for relays is BP + 19 peers from topologyupdater.
Everything synced perfectly and keeping up with the tip - just no TXs yet!
Hi Bo,
The port for the relay on xx.xx.xx.87 is closed on port 3001 - either that or you were restarting the node as I was checking (port will only open when node is running)
Your friend, FROG
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Thanks for checking!
Is that IP address from the topology updater? If so that my NAT gateway IP that traffic is egressed through and does not accept incoming connections…
I had to use that IP so that topology updater would allow me to register the relays… I assumed it would add peers using the DNS name rather than that IP address… or was that where the relays resolved to and I’ve got DNS woes!
Nevermind… turns out that there was a page 2 on my DNS provider so that IP was still being resolved at 
I have confirmed 3001 is opened on the correct IP addr so it’s a waiting game now for txs…