Node stuck starting

no. 6.2% is current lvl.
and this stupid forum keeps blocking me from posting replies

[ -f “/home/cardano/.ghcup/env” ] && source “/home/cardano/.ghcup/env” # ghcup-env
export CNODE_HOME=/opt/cardano/cnode
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

thanks, and show me the env file now

cardano@adabankmel:~/.ghcup$ cat env
export PATH="$HOME/.cabal/bin:/home/cardano/.ghcup/bin:$PATH"

no, try nano env (env file is located in scripts folder)

and check the first 10 lines… are all commented?

cardano@adabankmel:/opt/cardano/cnode/scripts$ nano env
GNU nano 4.8 env
#!/usr/bin/env bash

shellcheck disable=SC2034,SC2086,SC2230,SC2009,SC2206,SC2062,SC2059,SC2229,SC2154,SC2162,SC2120


User Variables - Change as desired

Leave as is if unsure


#CCLI="${HOME}/.cabal/bin/cardano-cli" # Override automatic detection of path to cardano-cli e>
#CNCLI="${HOME}/.cargo/bin/cncli" # Override automatic detection of path to cncli executa>
#CNODE_HOME="/opt/cardano/cnode" # Override default CNODE_HOME path (defaults to /opt/ca>
CNODE_PORT=6000 # Set node port
#CONFIG="${CNODE_HOME}/files/config.json" # Override automatic detection of node config path
#SOCKET="${CNODE_HOME}/sockets/node0.socket" # Override automatic detection of path to socket
#TOPOLOGY="${CNODE_HOME}/files/topology.json" # Override default topology.json path
#LOG_DIR="${CNODE_HOME}/logs" # Folder where your logs will be sent to (must pre-exis>
#DB_DIR="${CNODE_HOME}/db" # Folder to store the cardano-node blockchain db
#UPDATE_CHECK=“Y” # Check for updates to scripts, it will still be prompt>
#TMP_DIR="/tmp/cnode" # Folder to hold temporary files in the various scripts>
#USE_EKG=“Y” # Use EKG metrics from the node instead of Prometheus. >
#EKG_HOST= # Set node EKG host IP
#EKG_PORT=12788 # Override automatic detection of node EKG port
#PROM_HOST= # Set node Prometheus host IP
#PROM_PORT=12798 # Override automatic detection of node Prometheus port
#EKG_TIMEOUT=3 # Maximum time in seconds that you allow EKG request to>
#CURL_TIMEOUT=10 # Maximum time in seconds that you allow curl file down>

try to uncomment the line: SOCKET="${CNODE_HOME}/sockets/node0.socket"

and restart the node

after a bit it gave me

then went back to


Ok, comment back the socket line from env file

Done. sonme red lines flash up as gview starts but too quick to see what it says. Anyway I can get those lines??


what lines? can you copy here?

This is all sorted. @Alexd1985 spent hours with me the other night. He was amazing. Never-the-less, we didnt get it going. I spent the next day re-inst Ubuntu and re-installed Cardano. All worked and now can see relays etc.


any updates on this issue , i am facing the exact same problem with my relay node ,i have standard topology.json pointing only to relay.mainnet server from IOHK pointing to port 3001

journalctl -e -f -u cardano-node

I see killed… what is the hardware configuration of the server? You will need at least 9G of RAM

it has 8 GB RAM, let me try increasing the RAM size.

thought the minimum requirement was 8 GB but seems like things have changed