On-chain stake pool operator to delegates communication


With the recent changes around the k parameters, the communication between stake pool owners and their delegates is again on the table. I have opened a pull request for CIP for a standard build on top of the transaction metadata feature. This is supposed to be the on-chain communication as an alternative to off-chain communication provided by tools and blogs.


Looking forward to the collaboration and comments on this CIP.



Hey there,

lgtm on a first view. One question That came to mind is why have the content property be an array of 64 bytes instead of just a string bounded to the 64kb overall size? Are there technical aspects here?

why have the content property be an array of 64 bytes instead of just a string bounded to the 64kb overall size? Are there technical aspects here?

Yes, sadly this is the limitation of the current ledger - 64 bytes per key, the whole metadata might be up to 16kb.


It was intended to harden to add illegal, unlawful etc. contents to the blockchain.

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