Can anyone tell me the difference between bi-directional peers and duplex peers in P2P mode please?
eg. If you block incoming connections with firewall meaning you have no incoming peers and no duplex peers but many bi-directional outbound peers, would you still propogate your newly created blocks?
I can’t find any literature on the implications of having many bi-directional peers whilst only having very few or no duplex peers.
Hello @Wonkatron2000
I think the term bi-directional peers may be used for any hot peers that also have your node on hot peers list, while duplex is just a term describing inbound/outbound connections.
As for finding literature: Maybe search for connection types such as inbound/outbound + unidirectional/ duplex connection types. As it relates to P2P Governor and Inbound Protocol Governor for P2P node.
Also, most SPOs are on other groups (like Discord). This forum may not have enough SPO tech traffic to have fast response.
However, I’m just a noob when it comes to code and networking. I get most of my tech info from YouTube 
Like this old video from [EDEN] Garden Pool 
That’s very helpful, thankyou kindly!
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However, I believe you can prevent propagation of your block via the relay if you run that relay in legacy mode.