Please help me

Thank you for being so exemplary open about it!

I cannot see what would contradict letting it stand. We are constantly recommending our favourite wallet apps here (although moderators tend to give a whole list of options most of the time), so I wouldn’t want to make it too hard for other wallet apps than the usual ones to enter that.

I personally do not know your app, haven’t used it, and cannot guarantee legitimacy, but I just installed it and it looks good on first sight.

…, but: In the other thread, you were asking about the different derivation methods of Yoroi (and other Cardano wallet apps) and Trust Wallet. I just installed your app and it happily restored an old, empty Yoroi wallet of mine and its transaction history.

Did you find out which derivation method Trust Wallet uses and does your app implement that in addition to the usual Cardano method?

Otherwise, it wouldn’t really help the original poster to get their ADA off a Trust Wallet. …