Plutus Playground Compilation Error (even examples)

DecodingError: An error occurred while decoding a JSON value: Under ‘EvaluationResult’: At object key ‘emulatorLog’: Under ‘Array’: At array index 0: Under ‘EmulatorTimeEvent’: At object key ‘_eteEvent’: Under ‘EmulatorEvent’’: At object key ‘contents’: Under ‘ChainEvent’: At object key ‘contents’: At array index 1: Under ‘Tx’: At object key ‘txData’: Expected value of type ‘Object’.
Please try again or contact support for assistance.

Not able to run hello world program on Plutus


DecodingError: An error occurred while decoding a JSON value: Under ‘EvaluationResult’: At object key ‘emulatorLog’: Under ‘Array’: At array index 0: Under ‘EmulatorTimeEvent’: At object key ‘_eteEvent’: Under ‘EmulatorEvent’’: At object key ‘contents’: Under ‘ChainEvent’: At object key ‘contents’: At array index 1: Under ‘Tx’: At object key ‘txData’: Expected value of type ‘Object’.

I am unable to run any examples on the Plutus Playground

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Thank you for reporting @kien_coi_1997 @mrudulak88

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I’m have same problem.

I can confirm this problem still exists. Any time it will be fixed soon?

23d with the same problem on plutus playground?

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Now is possible execute “evaluate”, but there area many errors, none graphics (“Final Balances”), “log” with error and balance no corresponding the operation simulation.