Poll - Daedalus or Yoroi

Which one do you use? just being inquisitive.

  • Daedalus
  • Yoroi

0 voters

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Hi Mr.crypto!

I use both, for the purpose of fully testing and providing feedback, I am quite happy with both, while each have some things that need to be ironed, I am super happy with the experience, this is a test net so It`s all well so far!


To be honest - i use both. Yoroi for smaller amounts and Daedalus for the large ones.

For me it’s the other way around. But that’s because Yoroi supports my hardware wallet.

Cold staking is not yet possible as far as I am aware, am I wrong? :slight_smile:

I am talking about mainnet ADA’s.
For testnet I also use both.

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Nowadays my first thought is the test net, that`s why I assumed that.

Makes sense yea I also think the security of a cold wallet is imperative, I have been using

https://adalite.io/ with a Trezor model T for months now and I am pretty happy.

Keeping a bit in Yoroi and a bit in Daedalus as well. One can never be too secure :slight_smile:

Happy Staking!
