Problem closing down my pool

I’m glad I was able to help. My stake pool is APEX, thanks for considering delegating to it :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey! hope you dont mind i ask you something else. How long does it take for the funds to go back to pledging wallets after the pool is closed?

you should receive 500 ADA back as rewards, did u check on if you received them?

if yes, you will need to withdraw the rewards in order to spend them (move from stake address to payment address).


The 500 ADA are available as rewards in your account, you need to withdraw them.

You can do a single transaction to withdraw the 500 ADA and send the whole amount (the 500 ADA and the rest of your former pledge) to your wallet. Let me know if you need help with creating the transaction.


Thanks for your reply.

Well im kind of scared right now, as im not really sure where the ADA are. Let me explain my self. As far as i rememebr the 500 ADA + another 1600 ADA (arond that amount) was part of the ADA creation pool, you can see the ADA pool recently closer in here: M4M Mine4me - Cardanoscan

Well, so the 500 + the 1600 should be transfered back to the address that created the pool or that was my understanding and, as far as i remember I created a secondary wallet (inside the same yoroi account) to run the pool, but i can not find the funds anywhere, although when i look at my Yoroi wallet under Address Book, i can see the wallet to which i did the transaction of 1600 back in time, which i assume is the pool address… but… i can not find such address on my yoroi as in “my wallets”.

Well, as u can see the funds are on this wallet… 500 ADA paid u received as rewards

If the pool wallet is a cli one (not imported via seed words) then u must create 2 transactions.

First withdraw 500 ada rewards, then send all funds to yoroi


Sorry, what wallet?

Can. you give me a tutorial link on how to do those transactions for cli wallets?

Thanks so mucho for your help

This address

So, u created a cli wallet for pool and sent funds (~2100 ADA) from yoroi right?

am I wrong? On server (BP) u must have the wallet files

This should create and sign your transaction, but without de-registering your stake key and getting the 2 ADA deposit back.
Double check your destination address, but I believe it is the correct one.


cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
--tx-in "37051c5cd025a9833567679df4fda0bd8116768fb99d82244e4a809d4e67b4f3#0" \
--withdrawal "${STAKE_ADDRESS}+500000000" \
--tx-out "${DST_ADDRESS}+2299658342" \
--fee 171353 \
--out-file tx.raw

cardano-cli transaction sign \
--tx-body-file tx.raw \
--signing-key-file stake.skey \
--signing-key-file payment.skey \
--mainnet \
--out-file tx.signed

After you sign it, you should cbor-encode it and submit it to Koios just like in this post:



Sorry to bother you again, ik have been traveling around, and now i got some time to look into this again.

So I managed to close down the pool, and now the pool is no longer available. We have done it using all the steps you told us. But… now… im trying to get all the funds out of the servers where i used to run the pool, but im totally lost on how to do so… my understanding is that there should be a wallet created within server pool, but i dont know how to find and operate it… would you please guide me?

The post above yours explains exactly what you need to do.

Hey! thanks once again.

I have tried following your steps, and everything seems ok, till trying to send the cbor signed file to koios which throws back the following error:

"transaction submit error ShelleyTxValidationError ShelleyBasedEraBabbage (ApplyTxError [UtxowFailure (AlonzoInBabbageUtxowPredFailure (ShelleyInAlonzoUtxowPredFailure (MissingVKeyWitnessesUTXOW (fromList [KeyHash "d5a152

So i was wondering if it is ok if i send you (check attached file) the tx.signed file, so maybe you can send it of me, or you can tell us what the error is about and help us.

Here is the content of the tx.signed:

    "type": "Witnessed Tx AlonzoEra",
    "description": "Ledger Cddl Format",
    "cborHex": "84a4008182582037051c5cd025a9833567679df4fda0bd8116768fb99d82244e4a809d4e67b4f3000181825839010f6b4795434fcb4f763c95eca950ab2ec3973de38b1bfa7fa019a18cccb75e15d937d007101adac5fab2e8981108ff21946bdfd5dc14befe1a89120066021a00029d5905a1581de1d5a152e8425ef701881e4f2b5b002657aff1a58ac45845758975a4741a1dcd6500a1008282582079473349b3e20bf8daec4c75ef176eeaeca7eacce4125c947191160a67ad9d9c58405d5991869f61b64f8ac1549d66788f34253926f4b6d4dc054482b279348dc1fe59c7464d6eba67b6579f01d58c4b9a6f16550758a1dddfa35a6f8471b7419b0b8258209b326eca9ec0017796b91c43d91e040f4b53732deafab3b336bd976abcb255bd58407952e7e48ff29679e83536090e3353b6aa81b62d6ae90f6f5d9b9dc6b1c42328f3cfd824eadd1bb42714e5f6009c278c1733f5697695388df992c45088618504f5f6"

And here is the link to download the file just in case:


I don’t have to look at anything except the error message to tell you that you did nit sign the transaction with the correct payment key.

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You where totaly right, and finally i managed to solve the issue thanks to all of you! Thanks so much! i will delegate now on your pool asap.

Kind regards!

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I’m glad you were able to resolve it, and thanks for the delegation!