Hi Guys,
I updated my nodes to 1.26.1. but facing some problems with running the leaderlogs (setup according Coin Cashew) First step is to download the ledger to a local file.In 1.25.1 there was no problem using the parameter “–out-file ledger.json” In 1.26.1. running with this parameters result in a binary file. So I left out the --out-file parameter and use a > instead to write console output to a file. (cardano-cli query ledger-state --mainnet > ledger.json)
Next thing in the leaderlog is to determine the Sigma vaue. Then I got the following error: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/xxxxxxxx/src/pooltool.io/leaderLogs/getSigma.py”, line 53, in
ledger_set = ledger[“esSnapshots”][stakequery]
KeyError: ‘esSnapshots’
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/xxxxxxxx/src/pooltool.io/leaderLogs/getSigma.py”, line 53, in
ledger_set = ledger[“esSnapshots”][stakequery]
KeyError: ‘esSnapshots’
When look at the total if statement at line 53 of getSigma.py:
if “nesEs” in ledger:
ledger_set = ledger[“nesEs”][“esSnapshots”][stakequery]
ledger_set = ledger[“esSnapshots”][stakequery]
The problem occurse in the last line as it comes in the else phrase.
Additional: When firing the 1.25.1 ledger state command and also change the outfile paramater to > the script is able to get a Sigma value.
Any one facing the same problem or have a suggestion?