Problems with network setup

Also another problem:

slotNo=(cardano-cli query tip --mainnet | jq -r '.slotNo') echo slotNo: {slotNo}

Outputs zero, but the relay node is synced.

Almost Everything in the Guild liveview stays at 0

sorry but I am not using an air gapped offline machine, so I don’t know how it’s working

Dit you create your keys on your bp machine?

yes, created all keys on my Producer, encrypted them and then stored on an offline device

Maybe I will do that as well, do you maybe know why my SlotNo = 0?

slotNo=(cardano-cli query tip --mainnet | jq -r '.slotNo') echo slotNo: {slotNo}

My relay node is synced, but my block produce is not.

Status: Starting…

Perhaps it’s not working because ur node is not started, did u start your node? I don’t know details
do you have the folder which include the cardano-cli file?
Did u copied all folders?

cardano-node.service - Cardano node service
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/cardano-node.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2021-02-17 10:27:28 CET; 19min ago

It is running

ok, and if you go and start gLiveView?
what is the output?
go on folder where your cardano-cli is located… and type cardano-cli --version

relay is okSchermafbeelding 2021-02-17 om 10.49.25

But this is the BP node:
Schermafbeelding 2021-02-17 om 10.49.17

ok, can u show me the env file?

type nano env and show me first lines

also on your Producer, go and show me the topology file
what is your relay IP address?

CNODE_PORT=6000 # Set node port
CONFIG="{NODE_HOME}/mainnet-config.json" # Override automatic detection of node config path SOCKET="{NODE_HOME}/db/socket" # Override automatic detection of path to socket

These lines are not comment out.

“Producers”: [
“addr”: “IP4 ADRESS OF my relay node is in here”,
“port”: 6000,
“valency”: 1

it has included <> in the addr: is that ok?

This was the problem! in my bp topology file in included <> with accident.
It is syncing now!

At bp peers is now 1 out and 0 in.
At relay 2 out and 1 in.

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I saw now your comment, awesome… let it sync

I did restart the BP indeed.
Thank you for your fast response and brainstorming!

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also u need to have 1 IN connection which should be your relay…
check the topology updater on your relay and check if CUSTOMER PEERS (and active) line is configured ok… and also check your port 6000 on your Producer if it si opened in fw. if not, permit connection only for your relay

sudo ufw allow proto tcp from RELAY_IP to any port 6000

I was already doubting why I had zero in at BP, but what is fw?

sudo ufw allow proto tcp from RELAY_IP to any port 6000
only RELAY_IP should be changed?

And by the way, where is the topology updater located?

only RELAY_IP should be changed?
if you are using port 6000 for Producer yes, if not modify also the port

And by the way, where is the topology updater located?
where did u downloaded, in scripts folder should be… cd CNODE_HOME\scripts (speaking for Relay right?)

I runned this command by accident at my relay machine, now I have some error. Is it possible to undo this command?

yes, sudo ufw status numbered
and delete 1 line for port 6000
sudo ufw delete x (x=the number from the begining)

after u deleted once type again
sudo ufw status numbered
and delete 1 line for port 6000
sudo ufw delete x (x=the number from the begining)

only 2 lines should be deleted (rule for IPv4 and IPv6)
after that
show sudo ufw status