Problems with network setup

Hi all,

It seems that I have some problems with setting up ports and ip-adress in the topology file. There are some problems as you can see on the GUI, Also I am not receiving any lovelace.

Is there some extensive tuturial with setting up the topology file, for the BP and relay. Because I think tere is still a problem in these files. Hopefully someone can help me out, I would really appreciate it!

Did u instaled version 1.14.2 ?
u need to install 1.25.1 for mainnet.

also the topology folder should be used only on relay (you need to set static connection between BP and Relay)


Thank you for your response, I really appreciate it.
yes I installed 1.14.2, and following the instructions as explained here: IOHK_link

So I only need to adjust the topology folder for the relay? Can you maybe explain how I should adjust the file ?

you need to install 1.25.1 version first… and after we will check the files…

Thank you, I will do this first. I will let you know when finished!

Ok so I got 1.25.1,.

When creating the stakepool, I don’t understand the part with BP node and relay node:

cat > NODE_HOME/{NODE_CONFIG}-topology.json << EOF
“Producers”: [
“port”: 6000,
“valency”: 1

cat > NODE_HOME/{NODE_CONFIG}-topology.json << EOF
“Producers”: [
“port”: 6000,
“valency”: 1
“addr”: “”,
“port”: 3001,
“valency”: 2

What do I have to fill in at both addresses?
Is it just my public ip4 address?

here, u need to create ur topology so in ur BP Producer you will add something like that:

“Producers”: [
“addr”: “x.x.x.x (your public relay ip address)”,
“port”: xxxx, your relay port
“valency”: 1

and save the file… now ur Producer will know to which IP to connect.

On your relay u should use topology updater

So both (in bp topology and relay topology) of the addresses are equal to my ip4 address?

Does the port mather? I know that <1300 or so, are reserved.
What is by the way ‘topology updater’?

So both (in bp topology and relay topology) of the addresses are equal to my ip4 address?


Does the port mather? I know that <1300 or so, are reserved.

No but the port u will use when u will register the relay

What is by the way ‘topology updater’?

Since the test network has to get along without the P2P network module for the time being, it needs static topology files. This “TopologyUpdater” service, which is far from being perfect due to its centralization factor, is intended to be a temporary solution to allow everyone to activate their relay nodes without having to postpone and wait for manual topology completion requests.

The topologyupdater shell script must be executed on the relay node as a cronjob exactly every 60 minutes . After 4 consecutive requests (3 hours) the node is considered a new relay node in listed in the topology file. If the node is turned off, it’s automatically delisted after 3 hours.

Schermafbeelding 2021-02-08 om 15.53.08

Looks like the node is running, but I don’t know why peers is 2/0? I read somewhere that I need to wait for syncing?
What I was wondering is, relay and BP are two different servers, but what is meant with servers. Can these be running on the same ubuntu PC, as I am trying to achieve now? (Sorry that I am don’t understand some parts, but I am just a full time python developer).

Maybe everything is ok, and I should start generating block-producer keys?
Hopefully you can help me step by step through this :wink:
Would be highly appreciated.



you must wait to sync and after u will run the topology updater in order to announce your node into the network, so other nodes will know you and they will connect

BP and Relay are 2 separately nodes and they should work on different machine (for security reason); I don’t know if you can run both on same ubuntu PC because u will need 1 IP for each other and some HW resources like minim 4G RAM at least 50 g HDD for each one, etc…

You must wait to sync in order to create the certification files, kes, etc

Ah, I get it now when using two PC’s that is why the BP and relay have each others IP address in the topology file. I have now a Ubuntu PC with:
IntelÂŽ Core i5-9600K, 3.7 GHz (4.6 GHz Turbo Boost)
1 TB ssd
16gb of RAM

I will probably setup a 2nd pc then for one of the nodes then, do you recommend for example to run the BP or relay node on a stronger PC or does it not really matter?
Or is it a advance to run one of them on the PC with the best specs?

Thank you so far for the kind help and responses.

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Hmm, I think the BP should be build on the pc with best specs

Do you have recommandations what to buy for a relay node (hardware)?

do you want to buy a system? or do you want to rent a vps service?

A system, I have now a PC:

IntelÂŽ Core i5-9600K, 3.7 GHz (4.6 GHz Turbo Boost)
1 TB ssd
16gb of RAM

I was thinking for the relay node to add a Raspberry pi 4B 4GB RAM 128SSD 1,5 GHz 64-bit quad-core processor

Also, what are the advantages to add multiple relays or to expand later on with relay nodes. 1BP is the min and the max right, for the stakepool?


you can run your pool only with your BP (without any relays) but it is not a good practice (security reasons)

The relays are used to “hide” your Producer from the public network;
There are more reasons why u should use more than 1 Relay:

  • fast propagation
  • reliability (if one relay crashed your Producer will still have connectivity through 2nd relay)

but you can start read this first for many other informations which you should know before to start:


Hi Alex,

At the moment I have some problems on my Air-grapped offline machine.
When generating the keys.

cardano-cli node key-gen
–cold-verification-key-file node.vkey
–cold-signing-key-file node.skey
–operational-certificate-issue-counter node.counter

It says: cardano-cli: command not found.

Is the command not valid, did I miss something?

cardano-cli - -version
It’s working?

No not on my Air gapped offline machine (it says cardano-cli: command not found) again, I just copied the cli folder and executable.
I don’t know if that is ok?