🇧🇷 (PT-BR) Cardano's Lecture on a Python's Meetup

Guys! How are you? Hope you are doing well :crossed_fingers:t4:

On 05/23 I will participate in a recorded conversation about the Cardano project in a Python community’s :snake: meetup.

Short description: “47th Python Floripa on-line: we obtained a poetic license (open source) to talk a little about the subject Blockchain in one of the largest and most friendly software communities.”

Details: Login to Meetup | Meetup

We take the opportunity to invite Rodrigo Ferreira: Lead Developer and Maintainer of the Cashu digital wallet (cashu.cc). A few years ago, Rodrigo integrated ADA into his wallet in an MVP inspired by the AdaLite.io portfolio.

About Cashu :closed_lock_with_key:: Redirecting...

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[PALESTRA, 15:00h, 23/05/2020] Blockchain Cardano e wallet Cashu


Cardano é um projeto de Blockchain alternativo, baseado em pesquisas acadêmicas revisadas por pares.

Cashu é uma carteira digital para criptomoedas 100% brasileira. Desenvolvedor: Rodrigo Ferreira (beta testing).

Estamos pensando em apresentar em tela algumas implementações em Python de algoritmos criptográficos. Elementos como curvas elípticas, chaves assimétricas, etc. Em Python.

Caso se interesse: https://youtu.be/yK7vsVnbbN8