Forgive me if the topic lacks relevance in this forum. I have practiced as a property professional (RICS) for 25 years and am keenly following the emergence of defi and NFT’s. The imagination runs riot when casting the mind across blockchain technology and its potential within the real estate market. My question; is there an existing community within the Cardano space which currently contemplates blockchain integration within the Real Estate Industry? Many thanks in anticipation.
Not that I’m aware of!
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Hi @Dodecahedron ,
I think I read one of the proposal project for Cardano Fund4 that you are talking about (Real Estate Industry). Kindly check in Project Catalyst.
Hope it helps.
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I found several stuff for real estate:
@andreassosilo thank you so much for retrieving this information for me. I will explore! Whilst always trying to excel, I have worked against an industry bereft of honesty and integrity in many parts and feel that Cardano is the conduit to redress this. Something is pulling me into the Cardano arena! Bless you and thanks again.
Glad to help you @Dodecahedron
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@jpsrrv thank you for responding to my query and have a great day!