I had a stakepool for a little while in august of 2020, but it’s not running anymore. I noticed there is still quite some ADA in the old stake address. I still have the signing/verification keys (https://i.postimg.cc/05YNZKYY/1.png). Is there a convenient way to use one of the CLI binaries in my macOS Daedalus Flight/Contents/MacOS/ to recover that old staking address wallet into my Daedalus so I can send the old ADA to my main wallet? Otherwise; can I instantly use the CLI tools to send the remaining ADA to my main wallet’s (one of the~) receiving address?
I have those available. I just don’t know the correct formulation on the CLI to send all ADA from my wallet to another address: https://i.postimg.cc/m2xLKvWW/1.png
#1 Retire the pool to get the 500 ADA deposit back #2 Withdraw all remaining staking rewards #3 Retire the the stake address to get 2 ADA deposit back #4 Send all to an external address (hopefully secured by a HW wallet)
Sorry for the late reply; I was a bit busy. I needed to make some small adjustments and figure out the CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH, but it all worked. Thank you kindly good sir!