Hi syntaxsucker here,
I was trying to recover wallet on ccvault using my yoroi recovery phrase. but I found that the sum of ada that i see on the ccvault is 0.
i check the sum of my ADA my yoroi wallet is safe, but i think i ended up having 2 different wallet? *cmiiw
after that, i try to recover my wallet in yoroi mobile (still using the same recovery phrase) i ended up recover my ccvault wallet (based on the Wallet Account checksum).
is that true that i have 2 different wallet with the same recovery phrase?
No, not possible.
It sounds like you wrote down the wrong recovery phrase and the one for your active Yoroi wallet is another one.
As long as you still have access with the spending password, you could move everything to a wallet, where you know the recovery phrase for sure (e.g., the one you just opened on ccVault and Mobile Yoroi).
Or you search for the other recovery phrase.
its quite weird, I am sure that i am using the same recovery phrase as I only made 1, (my old yoroi) and have been using it in different device and always works since mid 2021.
but now after i recovery using ccvault, i ended up with different wallet account checksum.
and now I still can have the access with this 2 wallet (ccvault and yoroi) with different value of ADA in it.
i still have access to my old yoroi wallet since my browser extension still have the wallet log in.
*but when i try to recover my old yoroi with the same recovery phrase on different browser, i still ended up with the ccvault account
Only other possibility that I can think of is that the old one is a Byron wallet and ccVault and Yoroi now recover the Shelley wallet for the same recovery phrase.
Does your old account say that it is Byron, somewhere?
I don’t think so, I try to recover my wallet with the same recovery phrase to Byron era wallet and it give another different wallet.
and I think Byron era wallet is only for read-only wallet. but my yoroi wallet on my browser actually can receive some drip from dripdropz.
anyway, thanks a lot for your answer, I really appreciate it.