Report a YouTube fraud/ give away scam video

Administration Overlord here checking in.

Two quick things I want to address here. First is that our best tool to solving this problem is mass-reporting these videos, so the more reports the community is putting through the better. We’ve been coordinating some of that through Slack and Telegram, but anything you (or anyone) can do to contribute would be meaningful.

Secondly, your feedback on the attack vectors is meaningful—and actually one of the reasons why we just recently overhauled our web presence so that everything lives on the domain.

Finally, while I appreciate your frustration that you were not chosen to become a moderator or ambassador, there was a whole separate topic posted about that, in which I spent a good chunk of time detailing my reasoning and thoughts for the sake of transparency, and with the hopes of helping you to understand our reasoning. You didn’t respond to that thread—instead you simply continued to air the same grievances elsewhere in the forums, as though the admin responsible for making the decision hadn’t personally come out to offer to discuss this with you. This leads me to believe that you’re not actually particularly interested in understanding the situation—only in complaining about it.

With that in mind I feel comfortable making the decision that your presence on the forums isn’t a constructive one, and I have elected to give you a weeklong ban from our channels. I hope you change your mind and decide to play this a little more collaboratively.

Also, if you feel concerned about it, I want to assure you that this decision was made by me, and I am fully responsible for it.