A second relay of mine does not appear to be processing transactions. I ran some checks to expose the issue but I can’t seem to find it. This is what I’ve done so far:
Check cardano version (1.25.1)
Check cardano node status (live)
Check if env and topologyUpdater are identical (correct)
Check with gLiveView.sh (first relay processes transactions, second one does not)
What am I overlooking here? Both relays should work just fine. Even if I look in ADApools.org I also see that the second relay has a red cross instead of a green check mark.
{ “resultcode”: “403”, “datetime”:“2021-03-22 00:46:51”, “clientIp”: “”, “iptype”: 4, “msg”: “glad you want to stay with us, but please check and enable your IP:port reachability” }
The port stated that it should be open but a little test (yougetsignal) said it was not. I changed the port once more and now it shows as open. Weird.
A last check in gLiveView confirms that the relay is now processing TX’s
I might have spoken too soon. The relay processes TX but still shows just 1 IN (the block producer) and no green checkmark on ADApools. Any ideas what could be wrong?