Send Using Ledger,Something unexpected happened. Please retry

I am trying to send Ada from my Yoroi wallet with my ledger and keep getting the same error. When I press send with Ada open on my Ledger I get the flowing error.

Something unexpected happened. Please retry.

I tried many times and nothing changes.

Help please


Hey @KevinInParadise

Make sure you are using the most recent version for Ledger firmware, Ledger Cardano App and Yoroi.

If this doesnt solve the problem, try to use and see if it works with that.



Thank you for your reply. The firmware is from yesterday. I transferred the ADa to the wallet okay. So the Ledger is connected. Just when I try to send it out.

If I move to Adalite how would I move my ADA to that App and new folder?

Thank you


If you are using a Ledger device, wallets like Yoroi, Adalite and Daedalus act as an interface to manage your private keys.

You dont have to transfer anything if you are switching between those interfaces. Just connect your Ledger device with Adalite and you will see your funds there.


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Awesome Sir and thank you very much.

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