SIDAN Lab - Team - Introduction

SIDAN Lab - Create Impactful Blockchain Use Cases
To delegate your votes, choose DRep ID: drep1vkg4qhqt6pyzmtxpvvtjkueak4d7pydsmxz5lwllr53nwezunhg
Team Name: SIDAN Lab

SIDAN Lab DRep Voting Guidelines
At SIDAN Lab, we’ve established a set of guidelines to inform our governance decisions as a DRep in the Cardano ecosystem. These principles are not strict rules but a framework to ensure thoughtful and transparent voting aligned with community values.

Key highlights include:

  1. Transparency and Open Dialogue: We prioritize public discussions about proposals and actively seek clarifications when needed, engaging with proposers both publicly and privately.
  2. Treasury Proposal Principles: Proposals must demonstrate efficiency, strategic alignment with Cardano’s vision, transparency, and accountability. Verified identities, milestone-based funding, and clear use of funds are critical.
  3. Community Engagement: Proposers should engage early with the community, address significant feedback, and avoid major changes after voting starts to maintain trust and clarity.
  4. Promoting Ecosystem Growth: Priority is given to proposals that directly contribute to Cardano’s development, are open-source where possible, and aim for economic self-sufficiency to reduce long-term reliance on treasury funds.

These guidelines are open-source, continuously evolving, and intended to foster a more engaged and impactful governance ecosystem. For more details, visit our GitHub repository

Team Bio:
A Hong Kong based technical solution provider, specializing in Cardano development. SIDAN Lab builds open-source toolings for the Cardano community, and operates the SIDAN stake pool.

Members & Roles:
F13 Team Introduction Video
Intersect Enterprise Founding Member

Hinson Wong - Co-founder

  • Team member of Gimbalabs
  • Key contributor to MeshJS, a Cardano SDK for DApp development
  • Extensive network with Hong Kong-based hedge funds and individual HFTs
  • Ex-Citi, Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)

Neal Lam - Co-founder

  • Cardano Hong Kong Community Lead
  • Digital & Virtual Banking UIUX Design experience at Livi Bank
  • Ex-Bank Management Trainee (One of Note-Issuing Banks in Hong Kong)
  • Frontend Development, Marketing & Branding Design experience
  • Certified Atheros UXUI Designe
  • Animation, graphics designer of Hong Kong Key Option Leader (KOL) with 812K+ followers (TOP 5 In HK)

Kinson Cheung - Co-founder

  • Cardano Hong Kong Community Organisor
  • Head of Incubation at Adaverse
  • Product Marketing Lead at Kikitrade

Jackal Leung - Co-founder

  • Over 5 years in full-stack development in creating comprehensive software solutions that encompass both front-end and back-end components
  • Extensive experience in high-frequency system architecture design and infrastructure development.
  • Worked and contributed to a leading FinTech unicorn (Welab Bank) in HK

Anson Chui - Co-founder

  • Cybersecurity engineering work experience at Huobi, Hex Trust, and Deloitte
  • Extensive experience in implementing and monitoring security controls to ensure system hardening, resilience, and integrity of mission-critical systems
  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) & Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) & AWS Certified Solutions Architect