Goma-Drep Team introduction

Title: GOMA DRep - Team - Introduction

To delegate your votes, choose DRep ID: drep1kxetjk2yxfzxv3r26rttvur3gngwxhfpzfe4a8vxzg92cwyeu2q

Introduce your team:

As a dedicated Delegated Representative (DRep) for the Cardano network, The GOMA DRep vision is to foster a transparent, inclusive, and accountable governance environment that prioritizes the well-being of the community and the long-term success of the ecosystem.


Goma Hub, Your Dedicated DRep
Since 2020, Goma Hub has been at the heart of the Cardano ecosystem. We have trained, equipped, and mobilized the local community around Cardano, organizing events, workshops, and training sessions. Our stakepool supports the network, and we have successfully completed several Catalyst projects.
As your DRep, we are committed to:
Representing your interests within Cardano’s governance.
Promoting transparency and decentralized governance.
Supporting innovation and local development.
Strengthening Cardano’s position on a global scale.
Join us to build a better future with Cardano.


As a DRep representing the community, we posses a strong foundation in blockchain technology and a deep understanding of Cardano’s ecosystem. The qualifications include:

-Technical expertise: Solid understanding of Cardano’s technical architecture, including its consensus mechanism, smart contract platform, etc.
-Community engagement: Extensive experience in building and fostering community engagement within the Cardano ecosystem.
-Cardano Governance : Familiarity with decentralized governance principles and best practices, implicated in the cardano governance since its inception and took part the constitutional convention in Nairobi.
-Leadership skills: Proven ability to lead and motivate a team towards shared goals.
-Communication skills: Strong communication and interpersonal skills to effectively represent the interests of the Cardano community.
These qualifications equip us to effectively fulfill the role as a DRep and contribute to the successful governance of the Cardano network.

Members & Roles:
The Goma hub is a large community of contributors but for this specific Drep role a team of three individuals can focus on the following roles:

  1. Boaz: BoazB5475

Community Engagement Lead, he’s a Cardano Constitutional Convention delegate:

  • Responsible for fostering relationships with Cardano community members, stake pool operators, and other stakeholders.
  • Organizes and participates in community events, forums, and discussions.
  • Provides regular updates and communication to the community.
  1. Martin M.martinmusagara

Governance Specialist, he’s a Cardano Constitutional Convention Alternate:

  • Deeply understands Cardano governance mechanisms, including the CIP process and voting procedures.
  • Conducts research on proposals and provides recommendations to the team.
  • Monitors and analyzes the voting landscape to identify potential alliances and partnerships.
  1. Paul M. : paul_mupenda

Technical Expert.

  • Possesses a strong technical understanding of blockchain technology, with a focus on Cardano.
  • Evaluates the technical feasibility and potential impact of proposed changes to the Cardano protocol.
  • Provides expert advice on technical matters related to governance and decision-making.


  • Website : gomapool
  • linkedin: stakepool goma
  • Tweeter: StakeGoma
  • Emails: gomadrep@gmail.com , stakepoolgoma@gmail.com
  • SanchoNet Goma-Drep
    Payment Address: addr1q820znf8j335z4dtqzr24kzwp2rjdu848w0yptcftc26gqcytrdcghfvdmuva2yxe0ysejc39vfmw9qtmh8lmnrpmdrqm4e5pa

i couldn’t add more links or tags to this introduction.

Many thanks.


Une bonne équipe ! Félicitations à vous :clap:


Merci cher @Baudouin_Augustin :pray:

That’s truly impressive! Keep driving the growth of your local community and Cardano. I’m confident that ADA holders and the global Cardano community will continue to recognize your team’s relentless efforts and offer their full support. :muscle::star2:


Thank you @Hakochan for your kind words and continuous support for the community. :raised_hands:

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Merci beaucoup pour les encouragements @Hakochan

Nous ferons de notre mieux pour assurer la croissance de notre communauté locale en mettant nos énergies et nos compétences en place.

Thank you, @Goma_DRep for registering as a DRep and for your years of local community building. Your efforts are truly inspiring, and it’s fitting that you’ve taken on this new role, representing not only the voice of your local support group but also the wider Cardano community in the entire DRC and beyond.

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Many thanks @dennyb2010