STACA & Sundaeswap

Hello everyone, we are STACA, a growing Hispanic pool (over ₳140k and looking forward
to signing the first block 󰙥󰙥).
We wanted to communicate that we have been selected by SundaeSwap as partners in its
token distribucion last phase. This phase, Reverse ISO, is intended to help single stake
pools (like us) towards decentralization. You can read more about the SundaeSwap proposal
here → The Reverse ISO Proposal: Promoting Cardano’s Decentralization | by SundaeSwap Labs | Feb, 2022 | Medium
You can find us at the following link SundaeSwap ISO Dashboard filtering
¿What does this mean?
It means that if before February 19 at 4:45 EST you are delegating in STACA, you will
receive throughout this year an amount of your SUNDAE token from SundaeSwap, which
you can then exchange for ADA in any Cardano dex.
¿When do I receive the tokens?
It is not known yet, in the link that we have shared there is information about the Reverse ISO
phase but there is no fixed date for the token distribution.
¿How many tokens will I receive?
The amount is proportional to the amount of ADA delegated to the pool. SundaeSwap has a
token calculator that tells you how many SUNDAE you have generated by entering your
address SundaeSwap ISO Dashboard
It is not yet known if this calculator is valid for this new extra phase that they have released.
¿What do I have to do?
If you are already delegating to STACA, nothing, you are already in :wink:. If you’re not already
doing so, your deadline is February 19 at 4:45 EST. The duration of this phase is one epoch
(5 days), so after this time it would no longer be necessary to delegate.
By delegating to STACA you support the decentralization of the Cardano network, you help us in the goal of signing our first block and you will also now obtain SUNDAE tokens from the SundaeSwap project, the largest dex available on the Cardano network.

Reimagine the reality

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