Stakepool Hardware requirement FAQ

I really want to make Stakepool. There are several question I need to ask.

  1. What is the minimum hardware requirement for staking ada? Processor, Memory, HDD, I/O, Ethernet, Bandwidth?

  2. I’m using my old unused server with XEON quad-core 32GB Memory and 256GB SSD is that enough?

  3. My cost to colocation my server is about $100/month. In the current ADA Price 8c how many ADA needed to be stake in my stakepool in order to just cover my monthly colocation cost ($USD 100)

  4. Do we need more server in order to stake more? For example, If we stake 1,000 ADA we need only one server, how about if we stake 1,000,000,000 ADA? Do we need same server? or need more power to stake that much of ADA?

  5. If right now I’m still try to install the testnet in my home, I don’t have public IP Address by the way. Can I create ADA testnet stakepool without public IP? Any guide?

  6. Are there any guide to install stakepool using ubuntu for newbie?

  7. If we run testnet. Whatever we do, how stupid we do with your wallet in testnet will not effect the real ADA right? For example, I send all my ada in my testnet to everybody else on the testnet, that will not effect in the real ADA that I have in real wallet right?

  8. I found the guide to install cardano stakepool in here
    Is this guide legit?

Good questions. I can help with a few, the others I am still looking for answers too.

  1. There is no definitive answer yet as a0 and k have not been decided for the mainnet. These variables will impact your rewards, but you can get some idea from rewards on the ITN and other blockchains.

  2. The resources needed to run a staking pool does’t change with the amount you have delegated to you, however, if you have large delegations then you may go above the rewards limit (this depends on a0 and k), then you might want to consider running an additional pool.

  3. There are good guides on running a pool on a remote server like AWS or Google Cloud. So you don’t have to host the server at your home location and therefore don’t need to worry about IP or internet access.

a0 = the difference in rewards between those who delegate and those who pledge
k = the total number of staking pools that can earn full rewards

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Hi @cardanoguru great to see you here, Welcome :metal:

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Thanks, what’s your twitter handle? will come and stalk you

Thanks for your answer. But do you have any idea about number 3? I heard some says 9% p.a. but not sure about that.
And for number 5, the reason that I use my old server, is because I located in south east asia, and I think it will be good to have some pool outside US right? rather then all pool together in one country? It’s like distributing the risk from only one country.

Anything further about 3 is speculation. But the ITN experience is likely to feed into the mainnet.

If you want to contribute by helping to decentralise the network with a local node, thats good, but it may need some investment if you want to win others trust to delegate with you. I am asking many of the same questions and experimenting to find out what I can.

In regards to number 5, you may need to find a solution for a static IP, it looks like it’s a minimum requirement. There may be a third party workaround… not sure on that front.

I add some question maybe some can help? Thanks

Anyone? Can help to answer my question?

Folk have been running stakes on Raspberry Pi 4GB

Cardano has been engineered to run on minimum processing requirements however the more processing power the better.

Unsure, personally I’d stick with Cardano Github and ask a Pioneer for additional help :metal:


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