Starting stake pool, installing the server, running initial sync, need to verify

I’ve been running this command for nearly a week:
journalctl --unit=cardano-node --follow
and I’m seeing this kind of outcome: hp8:cardano.node.ChainDB:Notice:36] [2023-01-30 23:31:38.65 UTC] Chain extended, new tip: bd4468498f8755f5190640a350ad241862ca85f0a5a46ce2f7f14ea85c124a50 at slot 83555207

Is it syncing? Or is something else going on? It’s been nearly a week.
Thank you.

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That is what you want to see every time a new block is added to your copy of the chain so that looks good.

But, check your sync status with:

CARDANO_NODE_SOCKET_PATH='/run/cardano/mainnet-node.socket' cardano-cli query tip --mainnet

Set the variable to your socket location.

You should see something like:

    "block": 8338070,
    "epoch": 391,
    "era": "Babbage",
    "hash": "de06eb982da4f8c08a1b6370e6985fc3a2cd552e6c434a97ec11d802591d6e9d",
    "slot": 83556191,
    "syncProgress": "100.00"

Are you running gLiveView? That gives you good info on how your node is running as well.

Thank you. I’m currently trying to figure out how to run this command.

When I try to run it, I get this:
ERROR: gLiveView failed to load common env file
Please verify set values in ‘User Variables’ section in env file or log an issue on GitHub

Have you just installed gLiveView? Or have you had it running before?

I was able to run this on the block producing node and it says 100%. Thank you both for your help.

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I’ve gotten this far. I see the address via CAT. But by “fund your payment address”, do they mean send your pledge? Or to send a different amount for a different purpose to this address?
Thank you

Are you following the Coincashew guide?

yes I am. Thanks

Please instead of making 100 new threads, stick to one please.

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At the moment, assuming you’re up to here Setting Up Payment and Stake Keys - CoinCashew you’re just funding the address to start making transactions to be able to register your stake address. Given you haven’t registered your stake address, you don’t have any pledge to pledge yet. Throw 10ada at it (10,000,000 lovelace) and that will get you through the next steps.

And as @Zyroxa mentioned, you can stick to this thread for further questions.

Thank you both. Will do.

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OK, I’m at the point where I’m trying to generate a pool.cert file with the following command:

cardano-cli stake-pool registration-certificate
–cold-verification-key-file $HOME/cold-keys/node.vkey
–vrf-verification-key-file vrf.vkey
–pool-pledge 100000000
–pool-cost 345000000
–pool-margin 0.00
–pool-reward-account-verification-key-file stake.vkey
–pool-owner-stake-verification-key-file stake.vkey
–pool-relay-port 6000
–pool-relay-ipv4 \ (the real IP address is in the command)
–metadata-hash $(cat poolMetaDataHash.txt)
–out-file pool.cert

But the file “pool.cert” is not created in the $NODE_HOME directory

at the end of the outcome I see:
[–metadata-url URL --metadata-hash HASH]
(–mainnet | --testnet-magic NATURAL)
–out-file FILE

Create a stake pool registration certificate

Am I missing something? Isn’t this process supposed to create a file named pool.cert? Thank you

You’re doing this on your air-gapped machine right?

Yes. But was trying to generate the pool.cert file to be copied to the block producer.
But upon going over info I saw on CoinCashew it looks like there’s conflicting instructions.
On this page

it reads:
Critical Key Security Reminder: The only stake pool keys and certs that are required to run a stake pool are those required by the block producer. Namely, the following three files.

On block producer node

All other keys must remain offline in your air-gapped offline cold environment.

But here:

it says to copy the pool.cert to your “hot environment”. Does that mean the to the block producer, to $NODE_HOME? Is that what they mean by hot environment? If so, there’s more than those 3 files needed on the block producer.

Would it be possible to get a list of the files needed on the block producer, on the air gap, and on the relay? That would make it clearer than these instructions.

The pool.cert is only neded to register the pool via the transaction in rest of the instructions, so it isn’t “needed” for the block producer to run. Just to get the pool registered. After that, you could delete it/remove it from the BP.

In terms of finding the pool.cert, given you’re on the air-gapped machine, you might not have setup $NODE_HOME, so just look in the directory that you’re running this cardano-cli command in. It should be hiding there.

P.S. avoid any temptation to connect your air-gapped machine to the internet. It goes without saying, but there’s a few stories of people doing it anyway…

Updating Stake Pool Information.
OK, so I’m ready to update my stake pool info. Change the pledge too. And I’m following the instructions on Coincashew

Within there it states " Reminder : There is no requirement to pay the 500 ADA stake pool deposit again."

But the instructions seem identical to the instructions that I first went through in order to get things working.
Is this step below the step that determines that fee (the deposit fee)? If so, should I skip this part? And the following step because it seems to use the fee variable?

fee=$(cardano-cli transaction calculate-min-fee
–tx-body-file tx.tmp
–tx-in-count ${txcnt}
–tx-out-count 1
–witness-count 3
–byron-witness-count 0
–protocol-params-file params.json | awk ‘{ print $1 }’)
echo fee: $fee

echo txOut: ${txOut}

Same answer as your same question in the other thread.

Remember to avoid making multiple threads for the same/similar question. It will start to frustrate others on the forum.