Statement from Nathan Kaiser on the ITN vote

‘Living proof of democracy’ is probably just corporate spiel. Based from that statement, it sounds to me like Nathan Kaiser is completely out of the loop.
That’s why I posted the lack of publicity thread, because from what I’ve seen in telegram that was the general community opinion about this vote.

You aren’t the only one to think this: “My understanding was that this first vote was ONLY for the stake pool operators”.

The original post regarding this vote is here: An update on the ITN
And it states rather unclearly ““This first vote is open to anyone with a testnet ada stake on the ITN. While we encourage EVERY stake pool to have their say at this point, ada holders are not required to vote in this first vote. This is purely optional; their say will come later on, in July” , not specifically mentioning ITN delegators.

The vote didn’t pass because the threshold wasn’t met. If that isn’t a failure of democracy, I don’t know what is…
But I believe it failed because information wasn’t publicised well. Enough people made a fuss about it that Charles Hoskinsons responded on youtube.

The ITN will continue to run if stake pool operators continue to run their nodes, and some of them are.
This vote was only about whether ITN gets rewards for another month, which it won’t now because the vote didn’t pass.

This vote was a joke. But I have noticed ‘democracy’ occuring in other places; for example the CIP’s on github, and the feature requests/voting on IOHK about Daedelus software. These things should be praised, not this ITN vote farce.