Message from Nathan Kaiser, Chairperson of the Cardano Foundation

(Written by @Nathan_Kaiser, Chairperson of the Cardano Foundation)

Dear Cardano community,

We are living through unprecedented challenges. My thoughts and well wishes are with everyone impacted by Covid-19. As surreal, troubling or surprising times are, we need to come together as a community of human race and flatten the curve (#FlattenTheCurve).

At this time of uncertainty, let’s stay home. Staying home is the widely recommended course of action. We can decide on the next steps once we know more while in the meantime flattening the curve in unison.

As a community, we are working on the right thing and we are on the right path: digitalization. We are creating a decentralized and digital infrastructure to empower all of us, create a stronger community and a safer future.

All of the Cardano Foundation’s staff and you – the wider Cardano community, representing the entire globe, are working to make this a reality, and our decentralized approach is enabling us to stay productive.

Decentralization has resilience built into its core and is resistant to external shocks. Our talent is moving us and our community forward: keystroke by keystroke, video call after video call. This is possible thanks to you!

Stay safe and first of all: stay home!

Warm regards,

Nathan Kaiser,
Cardano Foundation


#flattenthecurve and lets deal with these issues as one humanity against a virus threatening us all.


Why do we need to be informed by Charles Hoskinson about a Lawsuit between the Foundtion and Z/Yen.?
Why did the foundation not come with this. Come on Guys, do you work as responsible people and take your responsibility!

Hello @NiekSj,
you probably missed the announcement on

Yes, i Did. I am not looking every day on the foundation website. I am joining so many groups on Telegram, Reddit and Email notifications from the Cardano Forum with a message from Nathan so I expected him to say something about it.

Not sure of exact timings but CH was certainly not the first to announce this on social media.

This preceded the CH video: Legal proceedings initiated by the Z/Yen Group Limited (UK)

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Hi everyone, here another take on where we all are:


Hi NiekSj,

Thanks - sorry I’m only reading your earlier post now - good comment: Why did I not mention this? Because the lawsuit is really just a nuisance, a ghost from the past, not a material matter. It really doesn’t move the Cardano needle either way.

The current pandemic, that’s what moves needles. Eyes on the price.

Stay safe, stay home, and let’s #FlattenTheCurve!

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Hi Nathan.
Thanks for the clear answer. Keep on going, doing the best. Stay save. Thanks to all the team for the good work

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Good to see you keeping up spirits :slight_smile: #FlattenTheCurve - A few more weeks hopefully nations will start see a difference. Then the dance begins.