MYLO was scheduled to mint 3 blocks in epoch 305 as per cncli leader check log (attached). MYLO minted the first 2 but the 3rd block was minted by someone else. How is it possible? I thought if a slot leader goes offline during its schedule, then that block is skipped. Wondering if a block can be stolen.
I am still not sure if my issue is related to slot leader battles. Reviewing the logs tell me my BP did what it was supposed to do. There is a TraceNodeIsLeader → TraceForgedBlock → TraceAddBlockEvent → TraceMempoolRemoveTxs → TraceAdoptedBlock events.
Was my block not propagated in time? This issue happened twice in 2 epochs 305 & 306 around the same time, when one my relays (nearest to BP relay ) is rebooting after a topology update. This is the only pattern I have identified. It happened when the nearest relay was down.
Yes, the log shows that my BP minted it. This issue happened again on epoch 306 at slot 117335. NFTY minted it instead of MYLO but cncli said I am suppose to mint it. Attached is the relevant log output from BP
In a slot battle, I thought the one with the smallest stake wins and that would be MYLO. However NFTY won. VRF key is constant for each pool, so didn’t understand what you mean by smallest VRF.