Summary: Cardano Effect Episode 20: Cardano 1.5, Road to Shelley

The Cardano Effect takes high-level developer information and projects happening in the Cardano space and breaks them down into consumable podcast episodes for the community. In Episode 20, they were joined by David Esser, Duncan Coutts, Ravi Patel, Charles Hoskinson and Neville Freeman from IOHK to discuss the upcoming Cardano 1.5 release.

In this episode, you can learn details on the upcoming release, how it’s going to happen and also how this update will affect exchanges:

The upcoming Cardano 1.5 release is in preparation for a huge milestone for the Cardano protocol, which is to move from the Byron codebase into the new, decentralized Shelley environment. This will be done over two hard forks as shown in the diagram below.

(Note: the term ‘hard fork’ has a negative connotation in cryptocurrencies but we use this term as a technical hard fork, without the risk and community drama you may be thinking of. Think of it as a planned protocol upgrade whereby all parties of the current federated system have agreed to the change and there is no ‘split’.)

The changeover will be performed this way so that Byron and Shelley can run in parallel for some time and ensure smooth transition for users. It makes sure the upgrade is done the right way with good principle while also being completed as quickly as possible. Using Ouroboros BFT allows a speed-up in implementation and deployment time to Shelley.

And what is Ouroboros BFT? BFT stands for Byzantine Fault Tolerance which is a specific class of consensus algorithms, and Ouroboros BFT is a minimalistic version from the Ouroboros family that fits into this qualification. It is used as a bridge between Ouroboros Classic, used by Byron, with Ouroboros Genesis, which will be used by Shelley since these two protocols are substantially different. Once Cardano 1.5 is released, it will be very important for all users to perform the upgrade before the BFT hard fork.

Finally, for exchanges: there is a need to upgrade in order to be prepared for all of these coming changes. Firstly, they should get onto the v1 API’s which have been available for some time now. Exchanges should also subscribe to IOHK’s exchange newsletter. Finally, any exchanges facing difficulty or needing assistance can head toIOHK’s ZenDesk (Technical Support Desk) to raise support tickets and get the help they need.

As an additional piece of advice for Cardano users, it has been recommended that you take any funds off of exchanges if you don’t already have them in a secure wallet. If the exchange you use does not complete the necessary upgrades by the hard fork, there will be restrictions on performance and ada withdrawals.

Watch the full episode here:

Subscribe to The Cardano Effect YouTube channel here.


Version 1.5? Where do you see that? You say go to the Daedalus website and download the latest to get Cardano 1.5. My version of Daedalus is 0.12.1 with “macOS build 4178, with Cardano 2.0.1”. What’s up with this?

Cardano 1.5 is still to come. The episode was about this upcoming release.

The current version is: " Cardano 1.4.1 - Daedalus 0.12.1 with Cardano SL 2.0.1" if that helps clarify :slight_smile:

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Where do you see that? It doesn’t say that anywhere on Daedalus on my machine.

@rickymac Where can you see the current version on OSX when using Daedalus?

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I’m not Rick, but this should do:


For me this just adds to the confusion. I just watched a 1+ hour video on Cardano 1.5 which says I should go to the Daedalus website to get it if I don’t have it. At this point I don’t recall if it was referring to 1.5 or 1.4? The point is that nowhere in the Daedalus app does it report anything close to that. If you’re going to have me sit through a 1+ hour video on Cardano 1.5 you should at least tell me where to look to find out what version I have.

The version numbering is complicated. I’m sure I saw something somewhere about an explanation, but I can’t find it now, maybe someone who knows will come along.

Probably the main thing you need to take on board given what you’re saying there is that Daedalus is not Cardano, and nowhere on Daedalus is the Cardano version indicated.

Anyway it doesn’t matter, because all you need to do is check your Daedalus version against the number shown here (0.12.1):

(You don’t really even need to do that, just run Daedalus now and again and click OK to update when you’re asked.)


Thank you for the clarification. I was beginning to suspect that the two were separate.

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How to confuse everybody !


Windows build 11341 , with Cardano 2.0.1

This is what help about states from Daedalus at this stage 3rd March 2019

1.5 ? Why not call it Basil ?

I believe you were referring to this link


Hey Andy, @adatainment put it in the screen cap, it shows in the window title bar.

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I think what confused @duanemitchell was the fact that there is no version 1.5 yet.

I said all I should have needed to say in my very first post.

Cardano versioning is different from Daedalus versioning and that’s all there is to it. Stop over thinking it.

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Hey When bft hardfork?