Youtube is not allowing me to post timestamps in the comments for some reason. Keeps deleting.
So here they are.
00:00 Intro - Lots of good info on Cardano updates, Daedalus, PAB, ongoing development, timelines, collaboration with DAP developers and DAP certification. etc.
19:21 Why does Cardano have so many “enemies”. I really try to undersand all the haters but honestly I cant.
20:28 Stop bullsht, u r a F** scammer
21:15 How can we sign up or pay to participate in the yearly bison hunt you have on your ranch? Is it open to paying people or just designated people? I thought I heard you mention this on a prior ama?
22:22 Hey Charles, I have an ambitious project in mind. I want to make Cardano the backbone of transactions on the site. How can I go about doing this? Where/How can I start?
24:14 Any progress with your biotech company?
25:09 Hey Charles! What do you think about the Kyle Rittenhouse case?
28:42 How can you make nfts private? So only the token holder gets access to its content.
29:21 Looking back at your Bermuda Ted Talk, what is the proudest moment since then?
29:45 I’m building a Metaverse, when is Mainet out???
30:31 Why does Michael Novogratz hate Cardano?
32:14 Charles, what’s your thoughts on rollups, ZKSync and Starkware-like solution for Cardano? Can Hydra and rollups go hand in hand? You said rollups will be big in 5-10 years but its allready here.
35:13 How is privacy on Cardano?
37:49 What can the average person who doesn’t understand programming do to help Cardano succeed?
38:05 Hydra release date?
39:26 Where is the DEX Charles? We’re 4 months into smart contracts but all you do is sign useless MUAs, do AMAs and cherrypick questions. Other devs do 100 hour workweeks.
41:42 Jordan Peterson has been having conversations on his podcast regarding the philosophical nature of crypto. Important for you do discuss the philosophy of crypto with him, he’d love your vision.
42:35 What happened to the third hard fork that was going to be this year?
43:34 Hey Charles, thoughts on Raoul Pal wand why he seemingly fails to list Cardano as a credible crypto?
43:56 Are we living in a simulation?
44:41 Where did the name Cardano come from?
44:58 What do you feed your dogs?
45:05 Charles, vim vs neovim?
45:21 Do you keep in contact with the storm x crew at all? I read you were helping them a few years back.
45:48 Can smart contracts replace the role of lawyers?
46:34 ADA a queen in 340-ish AD.
46:47 How was your talks with my South African president Cyril Ramaphosa? Are they wanting to use Cardano for anything?
47:46 Why you have royal family photo on your Tweeter profile?
50:31 Dear Mr. Hoskinson! I am a german mathematician and hodler since 2018! I am a fan of scotch single malt wisky. Tell me please about the taste of your 38 year old whisky. Greetings from Bunde Peter.
51:24 Hi Charles. Staking seems too good to be true. So you’re saying as long as Cardano is functional peple will be able to get 5% apy?
51:57 Why Daniel Friedman moved to ergo?
52:53 Looking good Charles.
53:20 Are you and Vitalik good friends?
54:07 Can UTXO live together with account model? Or will UTXO overtake account model?
55:34 Are there any good javascript libraries being developed in order to query the Cardano blockchain easily from the frontend?
56:22 Have you watched the new dune?
58:29 Best eating? Chicken, pork, lamb, bison, beef, or deer?
58:42 Thoughts on hosky coin?
59:09 Can you speak to the “Cult Leader” epithet you’ve been given and how to manage the responsibility of your influence?
1:04:11 Have you ever considered going vegan?
1:05:13 Do you have a favorite programming language, and if so why is your favorite?
1:06:26 Hey Charles what’s the meaning of life?
1:07:45 Been watching your AMA for 4 years now love them all.
1:08:11 LOGAN?
1:08:23 Are those masks on the wall from all orgies you’ve been to?
1:08:40 Does quantum computing threaten cryptographic security?
1:09:16 How are you planning to handle damage mitigation with the inevitable onslaught of regulation?
1:11:48 Is IOHK struggling to find good employees? I see so many open positions.
1:12:44 What is that you are drinking?
1:12:55 Are you keeping in touch with Gavin Wood?
1:13:05 How do IOHK earn money?
1:13:42 IOHK—>IOG ??
1:14:10 Do you still actively work on Cardano’s codebase?
1:15:22 Dear Charles, question about the pond vs the ocean if you allow programmers to write smart contracts in stuff other than Haskell don’t you lose the benefits of Haskell?
1:16:18 How exactly are sidechains that allow programming smart contracts in imperative languages compatible with Plutus Core? Is there a computer that translates (e.g. Python) code to Plutus Core?
1:17:50 Dear Charles, is there some incentive program for people wishing to contribute to the ecosystem e.g. improving documentation or writing javascript SDKs etc?
1:20:52 Hey Charles I want to integrate mental health maintenance on the Cardano blockchain. How can my Cambridge research team get to you for a meeting?
1:22:29 Are other crypto STEALING CARDANO’S work accomplished through published peer-reviewed papers?
1:22:59 That would be s fing cool.
1:25:39 Dear Charles, Ribeye vs Sirloin? Please answer, this is pretty urgent, I’m at the butcher and I’m next in line!
1:25:55 Pezesha project instead of Kiva lending.