Testnet tutorial querry utxo error

Hi guys, Im doing the stake pool school and just started running the node. It looks like this.

I generated the payment keys and before going to the faucet section I try to see the address balance with:
cardano-cli query utxo
–address $(cat payment.addr)
–testnet-magic 1097911063

I get this:
Shelley command failed: query utxo Error: A query from a certain era was applied to a ledger from a different era: EraMismatch {ledgerEraName = “Byron”, otherEraName = “Allegra”}

I already tried the solutions in this topic , but did not work.

Any Idea what the problem is.
Thanks a lot in advance.

You need to wait for your sync on node to finish (you can run cardano-cli query tip ... to check, your node is currently (at the time of your error) has synched only until Byron era, and will gradually transition to allegra. You should only start querying utxo at a point where your node is in sync.


ok, I checked, its syncing, slot number is increasing.
just wondering how long it takes, waiting almost an hour:)

After hours of syncing now I got cardano-node: symbol lookup error: cardano-node: undefined symbol: crypto_vrf_publickeybytes.

which I solved following this solution.

when trying to query the utxo im getting the error:
Shelley command failed: query utxo Error: A query from a certain era was applied to a ledger from a different era: EraMismatch {ledgerEraName = "Shelley", otherEraName = "Allegra"}

Which means a progress, Byron era finished, and im in the shelley era. But I gotta say, its taking very long.


Almost synced

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Its syncing for 5 hours now.
almost means what, 10 more hours? :grinning:

it depends on Internet speed, your HW configuration, etc…

After running this whole day and actually yesterday, it finally works.

cardano-cli query utxo 
–address $(cat payment.addr) 
–testnet-magic 1097911063

gives me

                       TxHash                                 TxIx        Amount

thanks for the support.