How can I verify that? Also the message states that the KES is okay? Is it just lying then? I’m just super confused. I believe I did it correctly? Thanks for your help in advance by the way, I’m just super worried I’ll miss another block and have no idea why and every tool I have appears to be saying ’ good job you are doing it correctly >.< ’
My main question is why the third block it tried to mint on the 20th failed to mint. Is there a site I can use to see if I lost a slot battle maybe? (or some console command to test this?).
Are these two values supposed to be the same?
"qKesNodeStateOperationalCertificateNumber": ?,
"qKesOnDiskOperationalCertificateNumber": ? ,
In my notes I noticed they were, and now there is a divergence,
If they do need to be the same how do I fix this? Doesn’t the .counter file I have now corrupted? I wonder why it gave me a green checkmark when it said
✓ The operational certificate counter ahead of the node protocol state counter by 1
haha, that is just very misleading when I created it. Shouldn’t it show some kind of red error?
In anycase I’m not sure how to get them in sync at this point now, so any help is appreciated!
According to my notes when I updated my KES kes I ran these commands
cardano-cli-mainnet node key-gen-KES \
--verification-key-file mainnet_kes.vkey \
--signing-key-file mainnet_kes.skey
This created the new kes verify and signing keys, then the certificate command below
cardano-cli-mainnet node issue-op-cert --kes-verification-key-file mainnet_kes.vkey \
--cold-signing-key-file mainnet_cold.skey \
--operational-certificate-issue-counter-file mainnet_opcert.counter \
--kes-period <current kes period> \
--out-file mainnet_opcert.cert
I put the value of qKesCurrentKesPeriod at the time in there, which I believe is still 882.
Was my counter file somehow changed/corrupted when it should not have been? If so I’m not sure how to get that in sync? (assuming that is even the issue? on this post on the forum it says +1 is okay Correct value for node.counter, but maybe that was a special situation for a hardfork, in anycase just very confused )
When is it okay to be +1 ahead and when it should it be the same?