Tips, partnership with volunteer organizations like Kiva (microloan)?

I have been a user for some years now

Many of my loans goes to people who wants to buy small things.
A cow to get some milk (and meat in the end)
Some furniture for a bar etc
Repair a car so the business can continue or expand
Inventory for a mini store (rice, can food etc)
A sewing machine etc etc.

And i suppose that many of the people i lend out money to don’t have much of an identification more then they are “known in the community” or such. Perhaps many that would need a loan don’t have enough criteria to even get a loan on Kiva thru their Field partner because no one knows them and no other identity.

So i was looking at Atala PRISM that is part of the Cardano ecosystem. And i think they could perhaps make some arrangement to an co-operation with and it’s Field partners.

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That sounds like a nice idea to me.

If we could get applications like Atala PRISM field tested in a such small but still important environment, that would be really cool and would bring enormous experience to the developers.

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You as an Ambassador can hopefully get this tips to people higher up in the chain.

You might like to join the Cardano Community Kiva Lending Team, the possibility of future Cardano/Kiva cooperation was one of the reasons for starting it.


Of course. nice :ok_hand:

I just made a loan using the “Cardano Community Kiva Lending Team”:


I just loaned to them too! It’s a great cause to support. :+1: :grinning: