Transfer from Binance to Deadalus wallet didn't arrive after 2 days

From Bittrex to Daedalus in under 5 seconds. :sunglasses:I dont have to say more

I’m sorry but I don’t believe there is any way to retrieve coins that were sent to the wrong address.

Are you sure you weren’t a victim of Phishing?

I might have? Is there a way to know for sure?

I mean, I still can’t reconcile how an address that I have copied from the wallet and pasted to Binance turns into another address.

There’s a checksum in ADA addresses so the chance of getting a valid address by randomly mangling a good one is very low. I still think the most likely explanation is when you tried to retrieve your wallet you actually generated a new one, with a new address. But I’m obviously just guessing.

This is very confusing to me, if you can see the transaction on the blockchain to an address that you are fully in control of then you should be able to access those ADA.
Is the address you copied and pasted into Binance still listed in your Deadalus Wallet?

No, it’s not. That probably means that the address used was from a different wallet or as suggested some sort of “monkey business”.

Dang it man! I was hoping the address was associated with your wallet and that you could hope to recover the ADA, I feel for you and hope to never be in the same position. I wonder if your pc could be analyzed to understand whether or not it was from a program running on it that hacked into your transfer?

If I knew how to analyze my Mac I would. Things simply don’t make sense. Specifically how an address I paste into Binance turns to be different later on.
If I did somehow opened a second wallet I would really be happy to reunite with it. It’s a shame that there are no mechnisms to regain control of a wallett according to the address.

That’s actually a fundamental feature of cryptocurrencies, in fact of cryptography in general, but it does mean that you have to be super-careful when doing anything with them.