Traxia no longer for Cardano

I agree with @anon20038177 and @RobJF: this is loss for Cardano. Cardano made an investment in Traxia. So when you criticize this project and its value you are saying Cardano made a mistake. I don’t agree with that, I believe Traxia has a future, but anyway, there’re some points to consider here.

  1. Probably Cardano didn’t deliver it’s platform within the estimated timeframe (bad for Cardano)
  2. The plan to launch Traxia as one of the first projects on the Cardano platform was frustrated (bad for Cardano, remember: it was a Cardano’s plan, not just a Traxia’s plan)

So unfortunately yes, that is bad news.

Ps: “good riddance” together with a photo of the token value does not seem an appropriate comment for the situation. Just my opinion

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When you say “Cardano,” I’m guessing you mean either IOHK, EmurgoJP, or CF…I have different feelings regarding each of these entities. By far the strongest of the three is IOHK, I would trust anything IOHK does…and I doubt they’re the ones that invested in Traxia.

Any time a company looses an account it very bad. It’s 20 times cheaper to keep an account than to have to seek out and cultivate a new account to replace it.

You can bet more of these situations will happen when the business model is based on perfection. Most business try to get a product out to capture early market share and create long term relationships. Every one know the earliest to market will have glitches. IOHK does not think along these lines. They want perfection first business later. This comes from being too fat an happy. If they were short on funds like other projects you would see far different behavior.

Cardano sales people will have to compete aggressively to catch up, that is if they even care to catch up. They may believe their product is so advanced that if they build it (as the movie line says, “they will come”.

I’m an Aerospace production engineer by training. We worked with physical products not vaperware. So while the process is similar to development and getting something out the door I have no clue as to what the hurdles in producing this product are.

Building a plane I can help do but Cardano is something very different. It’s got so many moving pieces it’s almost a life form. Once released into the wild is will actually exist on it’s own with a anti viral system and a brain trust to keep it operational in all aspects. It does banking, pays private utilities, will have voting systems it will be eventually used in Retail and it will be used by governments for many area’s of governance. Cardan is not lie other projects. It frankly will become a neural network. We really need to pay very close attention to all it’s features and capabilities. The info we know today is not what we will see tomorrow. What we hear about is entertaining and keeps our interest but the future for Cardano is way beyond what we know at this moment.

Hi Rob,

Do I need to send my TMT from my Ledger Nano S to this TMT address that Traxia has included on their TMT 2 token sale website and then Traxia will see the TMT/ETH sending address I included in the whitelist and then they will send the TM2 to the BNB address I gave them?

Thanks for your help.

Yes, but (a) messages for individuals should be sent by PM not put in public threads, and (b) even though it’s on the Traxia site it’s better that address is not published elsewhere. Please edit that out, or delete the whole post.

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Ok my bad, I did delete the address. I emailed Traxia as well asking the same thing. I just want to make sure I do this correctly. Appreciate your help!!

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I realise not everyone will be interested (which is why I didn’t start a new thread), but for those who are: Proposal to list TRAXIA (TM2) on Binance DEX.


EmurgoJP has invested in Traxia


There you go, “IOHK” wasn’t the one invested in Traxia.

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