Trezor emergency restore question

hey, I am trying to self custody my ADA using a Trezor hardware wallet. I created a 12 word seed phrase wrote it down and sent 1 ada to the wallet. but before i send more i want to fully understand the wallet recovery process. My worry is about accessing my coin if my trezor breaks and i cannot get another trezor how do i recover my wallet? i tried entering the 12 words into adalite and it showed a 0 balance. i understand this wallet in compromised now. i will make a new one after testing. i guess they use a different protocol to go from seed phrase to password? how do i use my trezor generated 12 word seed phrase to recover my ada without using the hardware wallet just my phone or pc


Eternl wallet worked for some reason? something with how it derives the public addresses from the seed phrase or whats going on here? all the wallets suppose to follow the same protocol and show me my money? i guess since this post is already started does any one else know what wallets work and dont work with trezor seed phases?

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Hello @jessie_sch

From what I know wallets that work with model T are: Eternl, AdaLite, Yoroi and Daedalus.
I’m not familiar with their Safe line, but I would imagine the same would work.


Adalite assumes for 12 words that it is an (ancient) Byron wallet and only restores that, not a (not so) new Shelley wallet derived from 12 words.

The “all the wallets are supposed to follow the same standard” is not so easy in reality. Mostly, they do, but there are exceptions and even more minor incompatibilities hidden everywhere.

I’m pretty sure that 12 word seed phrases from Trezor work in Eternl, Typhon, and Lace. Maybe others.

For 24 word seed phrases, it would get much more complicated since Trezor made a bug in implementing the derivation initially years ago and wallet apps still use this old buggy version as a default or even as the only derivation when connecting with a Trezor. Such wallets would then not be recoverable by simply giving the seed phrase to a software wallet.


Eternl Wallet has always been my favorite soft wallet. Still is.