Unable to select/add Ledger HW as pool owner

I did -w option it said that was installing cardano-hw-cli

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yes on cloud

Will not work because u canā€™t connect the ledger to the cloud server via usbā€¦ u will need a local nodeā€¦

./prereqs.sh -w
Using apt to prepare packages for ā€œUbuntuā€ system
Updating system packagesā€¦
Installing missing prerequisite packages, if anyā€¦
Creating Folder Structure ā€¦
Environment Variable already set up!
Installing Vacuumlabs cardano-hw-cli
downloading Vacuumlabs cardano-hw-cliā€¦
latest version: 1.2.0
cardano-hw-cli v1.2.0 installed!
Downloading filesā€¦

that is what I got when did prereq.sh -w

I see ā€¦

U can install virtual box with ubuntu and configure a node localy

yes I need to look into that, I already did, I just need to configure it just like the one in production, and bring it up offline, btw do you have instructions on how to do that?

but u can keep it onlineā€¦ after u will generate the hw wallet u will uoload the folder to the live producer and u will sign the transaction

To make it offline, keep the pc disconnected from the internet and download the binary files from live producer

The thing is I am learning as I go, I still donā€™t have that clear, I mean how can I have a copy of the node offline I mean running but not producing

binary files are the priv directory?

Bassicaly u will need to clone the live producer to offline producerā€¦ and u will need to download /opt folder

also the bin files from
cd ${HOME}/.cabal/bin

ls -l

Then u will need to run cntools offlineā€¦ itā€™s a little bit hard

basically cloning the opt folder and the $HOME

I have a full install from scratch that I made, now I will clone the OPT and the bin

Yo! I was in the same boat not too long ago.

So you copy the binaries for the cardano-cli (following coincashewā€™s guide, it was in the /usr/local/bin)

If youā€™re using prereq -w to install the cardano-hw-cli, it should be somewhere, not sure though.

You can copy files over ssh using scp.

Thanks let me see if I can pull it off

What I did was just download the cardano-hw-cli.tar.gz file, transferred both cardano-cli binaries and cardano-hw-cli.tar.gz by USB to local machine, and then installed both on the local machine.

Hope that helps. Planning to work making in a YT video this weekend.

For what I see that will only help me on the local machine where I can connect the HW device to USB, I found all the bins installed.
Thanks I appreciate any help

No problem, you want to manipulate the transaction using your keys on your local machine (should be airgapped w/ no internet access) and then move it to the block producer to submit.

Best of luck!

Hello everyone,

As suggested above, I succesfully added Ledger hw-wallet as pool owner by following the legend @Alexd1985 's instructions.

Create a VM with local node (you have to fiddle a bit to connect the USB through VM), connect Ledger to create stake.hws (canā€™t remember exact file name, but unique for HW wallet), create the transaction on BP, transfer tx to local node, sign with Ledger, transfer back and submit. Then wait 2 epochs :slight_smile:

Best regards

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