Unable to select/add Ledger HW as pool owner

Hello Alex, do you have a few minutes to walk me through the steps of including a second HW wallet for the pledge, I already installed a offline node, copied OPT and bin, I see the system wallet there and I was able to import the HW wallet. now what should I do?

Ok, now if u will go to cd $CNODE_HOME/priv/wallet

ls -l
U should see the new hw wallet

go to the folder and check the files

ls -l

are the files there?
Now u will need to upload the wallet folder to the live Producer in priv/wallet folder
!! Be carefull to not replace another folder on live producer…

yes in the offline bp I see 2 wallets, the old one, I guess when I copied the OPT dir it came along, and the recently added HW

All files are there

ok so just move from the offline to the online the new wallet folder

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done folder has been moved, will I need the cold files on the online BP?

Yes, u will need to register again… pool - modify

Register the pool again? will I have to pay again?

Nope, only register the new wallet… what do u want to do… to add another wallet for pledge?

U need to go to cntools- pool- modify

but the new wallet it says has 0 ADA and that is not true

you mean wallet registrry or pool registry

It’s shows 0 (perhaps) because it’s a hw wallet and u need the ledger connected …

cntools - pool - modify

pool - modify - online ?

Yes - online
add again the pool parameters, and when it will ask for the

Reuse previous Owner(s)/ Rewards wallet, select no and then the new wallet?

I have no way of connecting the ledger, there is got to be another way

Here, u should use the old wallet too;
U will want to move the pledge from old wallet to the ledger?

U can do this operation from home node if it is synced; this way u can connect the ledger to usb

But the local node is not on the internet, it will not be synced

aaa ok; then… tell me; now do u have 2 wallets right? The old one and the new one right?

And do u want to add ledger wallet as a 2nd wallet and pledge with it? Or do u want to move all ADA on ledger and pledge only from ledger