STEP 1 - download and run the script
cd "$HOME/tmp"
curl -sS -o
chmod 700
./ -s f -b master
*Please edit scripts/env, scripts/, scripts/, scripts/, scripts/, scripts/ and scripts/ (alongwith files/topology.json, files/config.json, files/dbsync.json) as required!
STEP 2 - source your bashrc file
source "${HOME}"/.bashrc
echo "${PATH}"
STEP 3 - mv all binaris files from /.cabal/bin to /.local/bin
Ideally, you should shutdown services (eg: cnode, cnode-dbsync, etc) prior to running the below to ensure they run from new location (you can also re-deploy them if you haven’t done so in a while, eg: ./ -d
sudo systemctl stop cnode
mv -t "${HOME}"/.local/bin/ "${HOME}"/.cabal/bin/* "${HOME}"/.cargo/* "${HOME}"/bin/*
the bin files should be located now inside “${HOME}”/.local/bin/
cd "${HOME}"/.local/bin/
ls -l
STEP 4 - edit the env, topology updater for Relays and topology file for BP, config.json (tracemempool), etc (the old files were replaced at STEP 1 and need to be re-edited) and re/start the node
sudo systemctl start cnode
sudo systemctl status cnode