In this thread, I would like to collect small and big things that someone has done to “promote” Cardano online as well as among friends.
I writing “promote” in quotation marks because it is not about showing big advertising campaigns here but more about bringing Cardanon into a conversation.
That could be anything from a friendly chat to some content you created or improved something in the Cardano Wiki, maybe you asked at the restaurant if you could pay with Ada, perhaps you bought something on crypto supreme - just let the community know and tell your story, because that will motivate others to do the same.
I’d like to start with the situation that gave me the idea for this thread.
I’ve had a Tangem card loaded with 100 Ada in my wallet for months because I thought someone was talking to me about it. However, I noticed that no one is talking to you about a simply card in your wallet.
Nevertheless, it was good that I had them with me when I discussed with an old buddy, I don’t see very often anymore, how complicated it is to store/send crypto. I showed off the card together with Yoroi, and he was hooked.
Since we’re excellent friends, I just gave him the card. Okay, not mass adoption but maybe the start of great thread with tons of small situations that sum up to something huge.
I am known as the Cardano guy at my local BeerCoin meeting. Play with a Tangem card to elicit curiosity and endlessly reply to « Cardano is a scam » gimmick. Translate content and Sebastian’s team Yoroi in French.
There are two of us crypto-interested in our department at work. He is a speculator and I am a hodler. Sometimes, we discuss what’s new in the subject of Cardano. The rest ignore or mock. We don’t care. They will be ready and listened to as the topic matures.
I was in Singapore for a few weeks and helped12 people install Yoroi then transferred some ADA to each of them.
It’s bad luck to give someone a wallet with nothing in it. : )
Where Im from there is a thing called an attaboy, when you do something right you get one. The current version is a pat on the shoulder and a thank you. More than enough in my opinion but I thought maybe attaboy could be an adaboy in some circumstances. Tangem cards seems like the logical way to go. I have not put this into practice yet.
I recently made a micro loan on Kiva I hope that we as a community are seen on that platform acting out as who we portray our community to be, we want to make a difference in the world, we want to bank the unbanked, we want to be a part of improving the world, imo our community will not reach our goals untill after Shelley is fully realized and Goguen is in full swing and debate on the structure of Voltaire is completely decentralized, but why should we wait? We can all come together on existing platforms and change the world now a little, as we wait for the full force of the platform to be in affect I believe together we can make change that none of us will regret.
There is power in numbers, I hope you all come join us on Kiva and be a part of the Pre Shelley team making a difference NOW in the world.
Bringing up crypto doesn’t really resonate in my mom group yet, so I started using Twitter. Seems to be going well so far! I’ll keep finding better ways to talk to my mom friends, nobody likes to hear a research paper at a play date Thanks for reminding me to load up my Tangem card!