It seems that I have miscalculated the delegator’s expected rewards if they happen to choose my pool (point number 2 above)!
A friendly community member pointed me to a fantastic site that very accurately calculates the rewards:
Here you can see the delegators average rewards when delegating to my pool:
Cardano Reward Calculator - Dynamic Strategies
and here you can see the delegators average rewards when delegating to a 50m pool:
Cardano Reward Calculator - Dynamic Strategies
My pool will reward heroic delegators ( ) with 3,5% annual returns
The Big 50m pool will reward delegators with about 5,4% annual returns!
So point 2 has to say 65% and not 85%.
As I said, I don’t mind. I will continue adding value to the community while also understanding (now even more clearly) why delegators are not pouring in to delegate to my pool