What percent (%) of your crypto holding is Cardano?

I am not a professional investor nor trader, but I think the diversity is very important especially in the www (wild-wild-west :slight_smile: ) of crypto. Therefore, my

  • investment in crypto currently is only 10% of all my investments (I am going to increase it to 25% in this year, that’s the max.)
  • and 21.4% ADA of this 10% full investment.

My only favorite is ADA, but the issue w/ ADA and w/ the other cryptocurrencies is that you can not predict which one will survive, you can make some educated guess, but it does not really count.
It’s exactly like the evolution in biology, where space is the environment in which the cryptocurrencies want to survive, and as Charles Darwin well said: “It Is Not the Strongest of the Species that Survives But the Most Adaptable”. It simply means that evolution does not always follow the common sense approach (if it does at all).