Why does my pool show a missing pledge?

Oops! False alarm, looks like it was a delay of sorts, it shows now…(ticker is SAIL)


EEk i am in the same boat, Not sure what the step is to correct the problem, Do I need to add an aditional 100 to the Delegate address?
The ticker is: [AENS] AENCO | Cardano Staking / Explorer


you pledged with 2 wallets but on pooltool.io I see only one (the one with 6ADA)

CORRECTION: actually you pledged with only one wallet ! if you will want to keep it then transfer the ADA from the 2nd one to the 1st one, if not then send a new certification with both wallets as pledge


In your pool registration

you have said that the owner is

but that address has only 6.62 ADA. You have to put at least 100 ADA into an address with that specific stake key.

In your other wallet with the stake key

they won’t contribute to the pledge, since the network does not know that it’s you. Could be anyone. And the pledge can only be fulfilled by owners.