XXX The Voice of the Community on the Cardano Foundation Board XXX

Cardano will not achieve its potential if we are stupid enough to repeat the same fatal choices of centralization.

To all Cardano stakeholders:

I strongly encourage you to make it your FIRST priority to try your very best to learn as much as possible about any community member prior to supporting any of their ideas or initiatives which may have even the slightest potential of impacting the governance or development of Cardano. Why? It’s simple, if you cannot trust the person, the ideas or initiatives campaigned by the person are what the Greek’s Trojan Horse was to Troy.

It’s sickening and alarming to discover member discussion that’s, for all intents and purposes, a thinly veiled self-serving aggrandisement. Each of us share the responsibility to Guardian Cardano, to Ambassador Cardano, in equal measure without special election, appointment, and/or compensation of any kind.

Again, please make it your FIRST priority to try your very best to learn as much as possible about the character of the person. Consider and reflect how, for example @bercinho, measures up on honesty, loyalty, integrity, accountability, self-sacrifice, and self-control.

@bercinho thinks it’s, “a very good idea To have a Social Council body with 7-11 members from the Community”
Do you agree?

@bercinho thinks, “Anyone who didn’t buy ADA at the ICO is not really an investor, but speculator”
Do you agree?

This @bercinho quote represents his thoughts about you, not himself:
“What makes you an investor? Did IOHK or anyone receive funds from your “investment”? Did you read any investment policy, Terms & Agreement? We are speculators, buying utility cheaper now with the aim of selling it higher after certain time. We are like Guys who buy 1 GByte data prepaid upload card for 10 USD because we believe it will be sold for 20 USD in the future. Does this make us investors of the Telecom infrastructure & in the Telecom company? Hardly.”
Do you agree?

IMO, after having read all of his activity in context,@bercinho is pursuing such a position, as Commissar, as our Blockchain Guru.

Comes down to this: Do you want yet another go at trusting elected individuals with your vested interests? If you do, is @bercinho your guy?

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Deepau that is not how I read Bercinho or myself for that matter in original post (more like suggestions what we could help with.) But you are free to discuss here about this. I would love for the community to find a better way on this so yes I agree you should ask many questions and please discuss a better way. I have said this before and I truly mean it I do not want to make the rules, I want the community to do that. But I can follow along for the journey as part of the community and offer my own suggestions. Representation is still a strong way for the many to have a say and especially now in the young days of Cardano. But if you can figure out a better way I am all ears. I want the community to have a say in Cardano foundation and in Cardano in general. I believe it is healthy this comes from bottom (us the community) instead of from top (IOHK/Emurgo/CF). And with knowledge of the character and intents of Bercinho I am quite confident he will pursue no such position.

My conclusions are not subject to any liabilities such as moral hazards and/or conflicts of interests. My conclusions are empirically derived. As such, I have absolutely no idea from what source your confidence comes.

Don’t throw around a word like empirically that easily in the context of science. I wonder what kind of experiment or logical proof that has lead you to have absolute knowledge of Berchino’s intents where you have accounted for any possible variables or much more to the point in this case the context statements have been made. I think only Berchino can answer that question himself what his intent is :slight_smile: (Oh and most often we tend to not be able to truly answer this question even from ourselves.)

Oh man. You are my personal troll following me everywhere. I don’t know where you are coming from or where you are going, but keep trolling in every thread I have participated in recently :slight_smile:

You never argue the topic and only look into it on the very superficial level, but rather insult the person. And you do this from anonymity, that’s such a cowardly act to carry out personal attacks without exposing your identity. Who are you, do you dare stand out from your darkness? I would even believe you are someone with a double profile on the Forum, just using this one whenever in your interest.

Anyone should feel free to checkout our history and your psycho runs.

My other best guess would be you are an EOS mercenary hunting people with ideas and willingness trying to improve the Cardano Ecosystem. That’s the best case profiling.

I wonder where are the Forum moderators to follow up @deepau history on attacking me and prevent such toxicity in the Forum.

Anyway you didn’t read that I just revoked my application for the Cardano Foundation board position along 3 other guys being 4 out of 11 who officially resigned from this opportunity in order to let us rather promote a bottom-up movement in the best interest of the Community.

Try for once to be constructive, your negativism is so boring, fake, artificial and diaphanous.


My intent below. Repeated from the same thread :slight_smile:

Let me help you out:

Trolling – (verb), as it relates to internet, is the deliberate act, (by a Troll – noun or adjective), of making random unsolicited and/or controversial comments on various internet forums with the intent to provoke an emotional [knee jerk] reaction from unsuspecting readers to engage in a fight or argument.

Please understand, I have always, and will always protect my interests. You don’t like that…I could careless.

You’ve created your history here, no one else.

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I am proud of my history here. Just read through all my topics created.

Your history for the last 3 months speaks for itself, just attacking me:

But I won’t play your game. Especially with an anonymous Guy. Bye bye

For your sake, don’t take everything so personal, not the intention.

Look, it’s @bercinho’s apparent ideology and evident tactics that imo present existential risks to Cardano. This isn’t the train you want to be on, but that’s your ticket not mine.

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You simply have a bad judge of character and I understand his reaction (In this case to your stalking/Trolling…) The path taken might not be where we land but at least it is in the right direction and then the community can do the rest :slight_smile:

…when lives are involved, it’s never a game. This is serious business with enormous stakes for many , many people. Shameful…

There is much research on DSL for law. I think a great name for a bitlaw DSL would be to be named after Hammurabi (edit already taken GitHub - mpoulshock/HammurabiProject: Codifying legal rules in machine-executable form so Ur-Nammu it is ! ) or after the first known existing law code called Ur-Nammu he created. Code of Ur-Nammu - Wikipedia
The premise of the law is IF THEN statements.

I have no right to judge anyone. I train my attention on evidence…I trust facts.

lol! Guess you just became a national threat to Cardano! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
But this makes sense, you had successfully taken down Parsons and buried the GoC, God knows what you gonna do this time! :wink::wink::wink:


deepau. I also like facts. Give us your details, why anonymous?


Bert is The Man! :wink:

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I decided I want to also carry on the Bitlaw discussion into its own thread but for sure these issues are connected as only with the community voice into the governance issues will we ensure (or perhaps a better word is guarantee) bottom up process of creating a DSL for governance.

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Short recap of the Proposal to the Cardano Foundation:

A multi-level, self-organized, global & decentralized organization built up in a bottom-up approach from members of the Community in a democratic process by the Community, (i) reaching up till the Foundation Board and (ii) overseeing the top-down movements (Ambassadors, Cardano Hubs), (iii) aggregating the Voice of Community and (iv) acting as base pillars of the Cardano Adoption forces and (v) later serving as a backbone for the liquid democracy delegate platform would bring balance, liberty & transparency to the Ecosystem.

The Cardano Social Council could initially operate from committed (irrevocable) sponsorship from the Foundation and later be fed by the Treasury and Staking Pools in a way it maintains its independence, integrity and non-profit nature.

Such an organization could later be deployed as a DAO on the Cardano Blockchain.

This is just one possible draft vision, the Community needs a consensus on the direction.

Initially IMO it should be a very lightweight organization with 7-11 members elected by the Community for the Cardano Social Council and 1-2 of them elected for sitting on the Cardano Foundation Board.

All these parameters and rules are just indicative, any constructive feedback is welcome.

If there is one message to take away:

Cardano belongs to the Community, trust the wisdom & intelligence of the Community to let it elect its representatives who bring the Voice of the Community to the Cardano Foundation Board.

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Just to pitch in a word, I am unclear the need for a second bureaucratic entity in between the community and the CF. As you say in those 5 points, you intend to amass most of the contact between the community and the CF which you then may be sponsored for. Now this just might be my perspective, but one of the reasons I’m so interested in this technology is to be able to rid of the bureaucratic mess that plagues the world currently.

Given that your current proposal is not a technological-based solution to solving the issue at hand but instead a bureaucratic one, and given that humans are flawed especially when money enters the picture, it seems to me that such a plan simply provides a wider surface area for which corruption may spawn.

Why do we need 7-11 more people in between the community and CF, who all each have their own biases, desires, thoughts, opinions, and faults. I think it would be more beneficial to perform research in designing systems that can aggregate community opinion in a fair and transparent way without having a gate-keeping organisation in between who will evidently at some point be fallible and let their biases show one way or another. If you wish to pursue being sponsored to fund such research and get some engineers to build such a system, then I am all for that.

Otherwise however, I’ll just say I’m not exactly excited by the prospect of a continuously expanding bureaucratic branch being at the core of the community (or at least imposing itself as such). Just my 2 cents.


Bobert long term I agree with you and in fact I hope CF can work on making some of its proposed functions automated on the blockchain. But before we get to that point we need community to be involved I believe. Most such change process require acceptance both bottom up and top down (atleast that is my organizational psychology understanding of such change processes.) But sure does not have to be a social council. If you find a clever way to remove the middle layer short term as well I am all ears :slight_smile: For me one of the key things is how would we manage to involve a majority of the community and make sure for example voices across the world have a say like for example the Ethiopian, Chinese, Norwegian (Viking roar!), Korean or Japanese community.

I also think that the governance issues we have had so far is small compared to what will come when billions are on the line so we better try to make this right the first time. So yeah that I guess is a support for your argument that there needs to be more research into this subject and to find a way to remove the human elements that are negative for the ecosystem as a whole. For me it is at least very clear that we are not going to make universal rules that everyone will agree to on all types of subjects so we need to have some form of layered approach for example when founds are delegated on the treasury. Or else soon stuff like culture and local laws (if only universal rules on Cardano) will start to paralyze a lot of otherwise great projects that could have been initiated. Would I like for there to be universal rules and for all to get along? Absolutely but that is just not the world we live in.