1.35.7 P2P - issue with relay Outgoing connections?

Running a standard set up: BP + 2 relays whose 1 is P2P-enabled but seems suspicious:

From gLiveview:

The Peer server analysis pages show all connections are Incoming, none outgoing.

Does it somehow make sense with gLiveview info or did I miss something (in the config file?) when enabling P2P on relay?



I see 18 IN peers and 50 OUT peers

Press P inside glive and u should see more details about ur IN/OUT peers…

Looks fine


Thanks Alex,

When pressing P, I get the list with NO outgoing connection whereas I would expect to see 50, given home screen previouly shared.

Do I misinterpret?

Even if u navigate to all pages?

I believe its from glive because without OUT peers the node its not syncing/

Did u try to update the glive script?


Thanks Alex,
I guess I found the reason: gLiveView cannot distinguish, in a peer analysis WITH P2P enabled , the outgoing connections, from bi-directional connections.
So, the apparent inconsistency with the Home screen is to be expected:
Source link

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Thanks for asking the question. I’ve been wondering if the upgrade of my relay node went correctly or not.

Adding some keywords here to help with Google search.

“Cardano Node 8.1.1 p2p peer to peer not showing outgoing connections”