10,000 Ada Treasure Hunt started with Episode 39, sponsored by TCE

The Cardano Effect podcast launched a 10,000 Ada Treasure Hunt that started 3 days ago with Episode 39.

  1. The scavenger hunt consists of a series of puzzles.
  2. The starting clue is in Episode 39. The remaining clues will become self evident.
  3. There is only one prize totaling 10,000 Ada.
  4. Philippe, Sebastien, and Rick cannot answer any questions and cannot participate.
  5. Philippe, Sebastien, and Rick do not grade answers or determine the winner.
  6. We will not know who wins. Only the person or team who wins will know who they are.
  7. You will know when you or your team wins because you will have the 10,000 Ada.
  8. The scavenger hunt was created by a trusted 3rd party.

Note: You may want to form teams or online groups to find and solve pieces. For example:
UK Team, Canada Team, USA Team, Japan Team, Stake Pool Team, Telegram Team, Reddit Team, etc…

Good luck!


Great initiative, I like it! :slight_smile:


Really great idea

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@rickymac one question. Did you hope that someone would notice and that you wouldn’t have to do this post?

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Yes. 2 people I know of noticed but it was not apparent enough that is was a scavenger hunt.

It was a pretty in your ears message for anyone that actually watched the youtube.


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Still no one has completed it. I have watched this episode so many times now :joy:

On reddit someone was saying that they are on the second puzzle.

Yup I got the same thing.


Yes, that was me. I have been working on the second puzzle for a couple days now in my free time. Anyone up for putting a group together on discord to “hash” some of this stuff out?


I din’t find anything like that on the vid, I am so bad at puzzles. :rofl::joy::sweat_smile:

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Great idea. This is fun but also a bit frustrating if you don’t know where to look.

Is the first clue the address? Is it something else hidden in the video? Do I have to watch the entire video to find it?

Help :frowning:

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Awesome!! If you’d like post your discord username and I’ll add you and we can get hashing :).


Great, I’m hotwu#7501 on discord.


А кто ни будь подскажет что это за ключ?
and whoever tells you what the key is?Screenshot_20190823-221144

Thats the wallet address theres 10,001 coins in it.

I’m going to think in public … sorry hehehe

Why 10001?

The 1 Ada was sent once the hunt started. Is it To pay the transaction fee, so the price is still 10000? Or someone sent it just to test? Is it a lead o a mislead?

Two ways to take de 10000 out.

  1. Taking control of the address.
  2. The one that controls it sends the 10000 to your address.

I don’t think they would encourage people to find the 12 world phrase to get the control of their wallet.

There has to be a step or series of steps that lead you make the person controlling the wallet send it to your address.

For that, they have to know your address, and therefore you must have a wallet.

Yoroi or Daedalus ??

Yoroi… Developed by Emurgo, “a trusted 3rd party.?” Like in the wording in the challenge description?

And it has this URL payment method which makes it great for paying with Ada in business. ( This is what I use in my restaurant to accept Ada)

Sadly this is not the path, I tried without success.

So… I wonder if it has anything to do with a Marlowe smart contract?? A guessing game smart contract? Unlikely, since to date, meadow only simulates a Blockchain at this point.

Is there a clue in the addresses that funded the 10000? Does the 10000 and the 1 come from the same address?

Is there a clue in the block/slot number ?

“The remaining clues will become self evident”

Self evident, like in the self node ???

Is 10001 a binary ? What for ?

God, I’m stuck

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Seiza shows the utxos.

The remaining (the change) of the transaction is sent to an other address…

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Hey @carlos_lopez_de_lara, I can assure you it’s about finding the seed words and getting control of the wallet.